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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-040
Figure 15

Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset plays

Figure 15.  Schematic south-north cross section in eastern NPRA showing stratigraphic positions of major source rocks, generalized geometry of Brookian and Beaufortian strata, and inferred scenarios for migration of hydrocarbons from source rocks to stratigraphic traps in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset plays.  Colors of Beaufortian strata are same as sequence sets defined in Fig. 3 (blue, K1; yellow, K2; green, K3; tan; K4).  Strata involved in the Beaufortian Upper Jurassic Topset Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest Plays are outlined by black dotted line.  “Regional” migration is inferred to have occurred along regionally extensive migration pathways, such as the Lower Cretaceous Unconformity (LCU) and the Sag River Sandstone.  “Local” migration is inferred to have occurred along sub-regional or local migration pathways, such as clinoforms within Beaufortian strata and fractures.


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