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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-040
Figure 5A

Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K2, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K2, and wells with public domain cores in K2

Figure 5A.  Map of the NPRA showing generalized thickness (in feet) of Beaufortian sequence set K2, public domain seismic grid used to map sequence sets, well penetrations of K2, and wells with public domain cores in K2.  Arrows indicate dip directions of K2 clinoforms, with base and tip of each arrow showing approximate updip (proximal) and downdip (distal) extent of clinoforms.  Red lines delineate a northern area where K2 sequence set comprises exclusively topset seismic facies (north), a central area where K2 sequence set comprises clinoforms with topsets in the northern 2/3 of area, and a southern area where K2 sequence set comprises exclusively bottomset seismic facies.

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