Crosspower file format The X_file is an ASCII file containing the results of auto-power and crosspower spectral density calculations. These so-called crosspower results are calculated from time-series data stored in file Y_file with the same root name and extension. The crosspower file is 19 columns wide and each column is 11 characters long. For example: 6.250e+000 2.930e+000 2.100e+001 5.204e+007-1.727e+009 3.523e+006 7. 500+000 2.930e+000 0.000e+000 0.000e+000 0.000e+000 0.0000e+000 . . The data on each line correspond to a single frequency, and the units for the crosspower values are geophysical: H in Gamma; F in mV/km. The data values are listed by column number in table below. Columns 1- 3 Columns 4 - 7 Columns 8 - 11 Columns 12 - 15 Columns 16 - 19 Freq (Hz) CH1*CHI re(CH2*CH1) re(CH3*CH1) re(CH4*CHI) bandwidth (Hz) im(CH1*CH2) CH2*CH2 re(CH3 *CH2) re(CH4*CH2) # of averages im(CH1*CH3) im(CH2*CH3) CH3*CH3 re(CH4*CH3) im(CH1*CH4) im(CH2*CH4) im(CH3*CH4) CH4*CH4 For frequencies where no crosspowers are available, '# of averages' value is 0.