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We would like to thank the several individuals and corporations that have given generously of their time and resources to make field studies, in-situ experiments and monitoring on their properties, and/or liaison with their staff possible: Ed Dalrymple, Jr. and Duane Smith of the Cedar Mountain Stone Corporation; Fred Williams of the General Shale & Brick Corporation;   Steven Demeyer, Bruce Faison, Abe Ismael, Blake Lambert, Charles Luck IV, Warren Paulson, Byran Smith, and John Thompson of the Luck Stone Corporation; In addition, the CSX and Norfolk Southern Railroad Corporations are thanked for their cooperation.

We thank the individuals and Federal, state, county, and municipal governments and agencies who have facilitated various aspects of this work, including access to their data bases, public records, their lands, and publications: John DeNoyer, John Moore and Robert Stalzer of The Town of Herndon, Virginia have made geophysical surveys possible; Stan Johnson of the Division of Mineral Resources, State of Virginia;  Jeremy Hull of the Office of Water Programs, State of Virginia Department of Health in Culpeper;  Jeff Crossman and Robert Leake of the Coffeewood Correctional Center, Virginia Department of Corrections; The Culpeper, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Prince William,  and Orange County governments of Virginia, are thanked for their interest, support and cooperation, as are the governments of Frederick and Montgomery Counties, Maryland. Linda Erbs-Nagy and Larry Yates of the Loudoun County Department of Building and Development and Division of Environmental Health, respectively. Stanley Dickinson of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, and Michael Fairbanks, and Richard Webber have provided access to the Loudoun County Landfill and Landfill records; Mark Waslo and Michael Walsh of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, and the Engineering Division of Dulles International Airport, for gracious access to Dulles lands, facilities, and records;  and Tom Sines of the Toll Road Investors Partnership II, operators of the Dulles Greenway, for access to Greenway property.

We are in debt to the estate owners, farmers, and land managers of the Culpeper basin for their hospitality during field experiments and site geologic investigations: Tracy Gillespie,  Will O'Keefe, Larry Rose, and Allen Stout of Morven Park Estate, Leesburg, Virginia; Steven Hummer, Sr. of the Marion duPont-Scott Equine Medical Center of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Leesburg, Virginia; Ellen Collins and Ben Eperson of the Selma Plantation, Leesburg, Virginia; Harry Brown and Zack Hickman of the Rockland Estate, Leesburg; Vic Hauser of the Whitestone Estate, Leesburg;  William Inskeep of Mitchells, Virginia; Betty and John Leary of Claremont Farm, and Catharine Rumsey of Rumsey Farm, Rapidan, Virginia; and Matt Collins, Mane Farm, Mitchells, Virginia.

 David Nelms, George Harlow, and Gary Sperian of the Richmond District of the Water Resources Discipline of the U.S. Geological Survey are cordially thanked for generously sharing resources and advise at several stages of this work.

 Science managers within the U.S. Geological Survey have made this work possible. Jim Quick, Bill Burton, and Tom Armstrong developed the idea of interdisciplinary studies in fracture flow by creating the Bedrock Regional Aquifer Systematic Study [BRASS] project. John Pallister and Peter Lyttle have coordinated research and funding in the U.S. Geological Survey's National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, and are thanked for their support.  Jim Quick and Art Schultz have helped provide additional resources, while Dave Russ and Rama Kotra have provided administrative and other resource support within the Eastern Region of the U.S. Geological Survey's Geologic Discipline. Finally, but not least, Donna Johnstone, Bonnie Jackson, Marylin Lane, and Holly Wilson have all provided helpful administrative support.

The report benefited from the reviews of Dave Daniels and Joe Smoot.

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Contact: Herbert A. Pierce
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