0readme.txt DOS ASCII file that describes the digital data for U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-67 (revised 1/5/2005, pd) Walker, G.W., MacLeod, N.S., Miller, R.J., Raines, G.L., Connors, K.A., 2003, Spatial digital database for the geologic map of Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-67, ver. 2.0, 22 p. Received Director's approval Feb. 2003. URL = http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of03-67/ This report describes the contents of a digital data set which consists of ArcInfo exchange-format files and associated files. A raster image of the original printed map sheet is included in the report. The data set also includes complete plot files for creating a paper copy of the map at a scale of 1:500000. The data set is available on the World Wide Web at http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of03-67/. It is also available via anonymous FTP from: geopubs.wr.usgs.gov, in the directory: pub/open-file/of03-67. Requirements: A networked computer system is required to copy the data set from the host computer across the Internet. A geographic information system (GIS) capable of importing ArcInfo exchange-format files is required for access to the digital files. The digital data files are in UNIX ASCII format. *************************************************** Explanation of digital data files: The GIS database for the Geology of Oregon is available as one UNIX-compressed TAR file, of03-67.tar.Z, which includes the report text (of03-67.pdf) in an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format. To download the GIS data files, create a new workspace in a UNIX working environment and copy the of03-67.tar.Z file to your new workspace. Use the command 'uncompress -v of03-67.tar.Z' to uncompress the file. Then use the command 'tar -xvf of03-67.tar' to extract the files from the TAR file. Or copy the of03-67.tar.Z file to an empty Windows subdirectory. Use an unzip software (such as WinZip) to uncompress and extract files from the of03-67.tar.Z file. And finally, to import the ArcInfo exchange-format files (*e00) into your workspace, open ArcInfo on your workstation and enter '&run importfile' at the Arc prompt or import the file using ArcToolbox. Your working directory should contain the following files: 0readme.txt - this file in DOS ASCII format importfile.aml - ArcInfo program to import ArcInfo interchange-format files into the user's workspace. of03-67.pdf - Open-File Report text in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document File (PDF) format. Primary ArcInfo exchange-format files (*.e00) and metadata (*.met) include: orgeo.e00 - principal line and polygon geologic map coverage orgeo.met - metadata file JPEG image (*.jpg/.jgw/.aux) and metadata (*.met) files for the Walker and MacLeod (1991) map sheets: wm1991or_map.jpg/.jgw/.aux - georeferenced raster image of geologic map wm1991or_units.jpg/.aux - image of the original correlation of map units wm1991or_map.met - metadata for georeferenced raster