Sampling Frequency 12000 Recording length 100 Shooting Rate 500 Recording Delay 0 Attenuation D1 255 High pass filter 4 Low pass filter 7 AGC type and flag on/off 65538 Number of Samples 1200 Synchronization type 4 Time Zoom 4 Amplitude Zoom 1 Variable area base line 63 Trace Origin 0 Distance between shots 2 Agc gain up 200 Agc gain down 200 Swell filter on/off 0 Swell filter deb_win 8 Swell filter end_win 2 Swell filter Flat bottom 0 Swell filter trigger 1001 Swell filter sea bed 2 Swell filter sea bed filtered 8 Swell filter constant 8.000000 Input for AU21 -2 Plotter type and number of horizontal shots for stack 1572866 Plot direction and compression 0 Multiple on_off and response length (av3) 24 Multiple processing length and processing window (AV4) 65536585 Number of coefficients in the filter (AV5) 3 Position of the multiple (AV6) 416 TVF Start low 240 TVF Start high 3000 TVF end low 150 TVF end high 2000 TVF on_off 0 TVF end 1143 Spiking on_off 1 Spiking response length 24 Number of Channels 1 Graphic position 0 Polarity 1 Envelope 0 B&W(0) / Color(1) 0 Modulo Shot number 100 Calibration 1 AU32 board : Full scale channel 1 3300.000000 AU32 board : Full scale channel 2 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 1 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 2 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 3 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 4 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 5 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 6 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 7 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 8 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 9 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 10 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 11 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 12 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 13 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 14 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 15 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 16 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 17 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 18 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 19 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 20 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 21 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 22 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 23 5000.000000 MV32 board : Full scale channel 24 5000.000000 Gain adjustment step 100.000000 AGC adjustment step (up) 1 AGC adjustment step (down) 1 Recording delay adjustment step 10 Size of AGC window in sample 49 Number of points(samples) on which FFT is computed 512 Increment step for swell trigger 1.000000 reserved 0 Sea bed adjustment step 4 Position of navigation message on plotter 1679 Flag stacking on/off 0 Secondary channel shot delay -110 Ground references 4 Start of line date 131139332 Start of line time 908802319 End of line date 131139332 End of line time 1360071185 Displayed channel number 0 Output file format (LX,SEGYI,SEGYF) 0 Output media (DISK EXABYTE/SCSI_TAPE) 0 reserved 0 Byte swap 0 First shot processed 1 Output processed data enable 0 Output processed data file name PROCOUT Color code 1 Side scan sonar code 0 Channels polarity (bit field) 0 Spiking wave identification 1 Obliqueness on/off -1 Obliqueness, velocity off sound in water 1500 Obliqueness, sensor source offset 0 reserved 0 Number of auxiliary channels 0 Auxiliary recording delay 0 Number of primary channels 1 Stack-CDP : on/off 0 Stack-CDP : first sensor offset (m) 2.000000 Stack-CDP : distance between sensor (m) 2.000000 Stack-CDP : side distance between sensor and gun 0.000000 Stack-CDP : number of stack 1 Stack-CDP : selected channels of stack 1 1 Stack-CDP : number of selected channels of stack 1 1 Stack-CDP : selected channels of stack 2 1 Stack-CDP : number of selected channels of stack 2 1 Stack-CDP : selected channels of stack 3 1 Stack-CDP : number of selected channels of stack 3 1 Stack-CDP : selected channels of stack 4 1 Stack-CDP : number of selected channels of stack 4 1 Stack-CDP : velocity & mute law file name STCK_CDP.DAT Output file tape format (best,8200,8200c,8500,8500c) 0 Modulo Time scale 560 Stack-CDP : coverage (%) (-1 if not defined) 100 Stack-CDP : valid channels for stack 1 Ship's name - Source layback 0 Source depth 0 Number of sources in array 1 Source type - Source identification number 0 Receiver layback 0 Receiver depth 0 Receiver identification number 0 Plotter width (dot/8) 264 High pass filter zero phase flag 0 Low pass filter zero phase flag 0 Annotation message display & plot rate 60 Reverse video 0 Spiking wave file SPIKE.DAT Output processed adapter number ÿ (-1) Output processed device number ÿ (-1) Secondary channel shot delay on/off 1 Shot display rate 1 Sonar range 375 Stack-CDP : active stack number 0 Data file forced write rate (<0 off, shot) 1000 Navigation mode 2 Navigation message description file C:\DelphSeismic\Nav _Drivers\HyPak401\Utm401_1 Job identification - User resolution plotter type -1 User plotter width resolution 0 User plotter paper advance resolution 0 Scaling on/off 0 RT shooting rate based scaling (shot/inch) 254.000000 reserved 0.000000 User resolution validity (0,1,2:no, 3:yes) 0 Shot scale factor 1.000000 Time axis scaling (ms/inch) 25.400000 reserved 0.000000 Bathymetry mode 0 Printer Address 888 Printer Port 1 Angle Bathy 60.000000 Gain Bathy 100.000000 Min Range Bathy 5.000000 Wired flag Bathy 0 Scroll Value Bathy 8 Range Bathy 30 FFT processing (0:off, #:on) 0 Attitude mode 0 Sonar mode 0 Ethernet Port Number (data) 0 Ethernet Host Name nohostname Asynchronous Plot Channel (0:SLOW, 1:FAST) 0 Enable shot number display & plot 1 Enable timescale plot 1 Enable navigation annotation display & plot 1 Enable Plot Header (0:no, #:yes) 1 Start of Plot Header Plot (0:no, #:yes) 0 Start of Session Header Plot (0:no, #:yes) 1 Sonar single channel assignment (0:PORT, 1:STARBOARD) 0 ISIS100 gain (0:55, 1:75, 2:95 dB) 0 Ethernet Port Number (command) 0 Bathy Display ONOFF 0 Bathy Display Mode 0:SONO, 1: 3D, 2: 2D 0 Reverse ONOFF on plotter 1 Palette Code for plotter 0 Real-Time drive swiching on/off 0 Alternate drive Bath transmit time 0.000000 Attitude transmit time 0.000000 Attitude latency 0.000000 Navigation latency 0.000000 Chirp Description File m401_1 Chirp Processing (0:off, #:on) 0 FFT Start (sample number) 0 Hook FFT on Swell (0:no, #:yes) 0 Distance driven shooting rate on/off (0:off, #:on) 0 Distance driven shooting rate value (meter) 1.000000 SCSI plotter adaptor ID ÿ (-1) SCSI plotter device ID ÿ (-1) SWELL filtering after CAG (0:no, #:yes) 0 Mouse Defined Sea Floor (0:no, #:yes) 1 Shot Between Shot Security Delay (ms) 40 Seismic Color Display Preprocessing ID 2 Raw Data Format (0:LX, 1:SEGY INT, 2:SEGY FLT) 1 Inversion Type (0:INTEL, 1:MOTOROLA) 1 Number of sample on the screen 996 Zoom plotter Amplitude 5 Variable area base line Plotter 128 Start of plot on Plotter 0 Distance betwen shot on Plotter 4 POsition of Start of plot on Ploterr 0 Pos/Neg filling in variable area 1 Sow wigle on Plotter 0 Number of sample on the plot Plotter 1200 Code palette plotter 0 Type Codage plotter 2