Data notes for the geologic map of the Winchester 7.5 minute quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 03-461: All data is projected to UTM Zone 17N, Datum NAD83, units meters Graphics, suitable for printing (map ~51"x40" at 100%) of the full map layout with description of map units, discussion, etc. are in the graphics subdirectory. These files are in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format and encapsolated postscript (.eps). The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free, online at: An ArcMap 8.3 project is contained in the win24k.mxd file. It displays the geologic data and basemap with appropriate symbology. It does not contain the description of map units, discussion, or ancillary graphics found in the full graphics layouts. ArcMap 8.3 or higher is required to view this file. The base map is a digital raster graphic of the U.S. Geological Survey Winchester 7.5 minute quadrangle. A copy is in the DRG subdirectory. A georegistered .tiff image file (win_grast.tiff) of the composite geology of the quadrangle is in the win_geol subdirectory. The GIS layers are in the form of ESRI shapefiles, with copies also provided in export (.e00) format. The file name abbreviations are: win_bedrock = bedrock units, polygons win_contact = bedrock contacts, lines win_flts = faults, lines win_lin = linear structures, lines win_quat = Quaternary deposits, polygons win_spgs = springs, points win_strux = data stations, units, bedding, joints, cleavage, etc.; points ESRI shapefiles are stored in the win_shapefiles subdirectory ESRI export format files are in the export subdirectory Metadata files for all of the layers are in the metadata subdirectory This publication may be found on the internet at: