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Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14).
USGS Open-File Report 03-474, G1-03-GM, Gas Hydrates Cruise Report, R/V Gyre, 1-14 May, 2003, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14), and selected pre-existing data sets that were used to plan cruise G1-03-GM. Bathymetry is from NGDC Coastal Relief Model for the Gulf of Mexico (the brown/blue transition is at 1300 m). Tracklines for USGS 1999 and USGS 1998 are from Hart and others (2002).

Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14). Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14). Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14). Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14). Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14). Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry in the northern Gulf of Mexico, locations of survey areas (Keathley Canyon 195 and Atwater Valley 14).
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