The metadata in this subdirectory (MetaData) is for all files in this report beginning with a "CO_" prefix. Metadata for eight datasets from the Colorado Department of Transportation (airports [CO_airpt], counties [CO_cnty], forestrds [CO_RdFS], lakes [CO-lake], publands [CO_publnd], lroads [CO_RdLoc], fcroads [CO_RdCou], cities [CO_towns], railroad [Co_RailR], streams [CO_creek], and highways [CO_CDOT])* is in the CDOTdata subdirectory. The CDOT files, along with a 00Readme.txt file are provided as is, with no changes other than unzipping, in that same CDOTdata subdirectory. Files with the names shown in brackets have been imported into MapInfo and reprojected from CDOT's original projection, UTM zone 13, NAD 83 to latitude/longitude in decimal degrees. Files in the Data/ArcView directory were exported from MapInfo to ArcView. No additional metadata is provided for these 8 datasets in the Data subdirectories. All other files created or modified for this report, begin with a "CO_" prefix. CO_PLSS CO_MRDS CO_MAS CO_state CO_river CO_water CO_hwys CO_city CO_24K CO_100K CO_250K CO_cnty: is the county file from CDOT, unchanged other than reprojection. CO_state: CO_cnty was imported into MapInfo and all county polygons merged to form a simple outline of the state of Colorado, titled CO_state. CO_rivers and CO_water CO_rivers, containing only lines, was derived from the streams dataset [CO_creek] by selecting only those segments labeled with "river" as part of the name and merging connecting line segments that belong to the same river. CO_water, containing only polygons, was derived from the lakes file [CO_lake] by selecting all the water bodies with areas larger than about 0.5 square miles and all smaller bodies contiguous with or adjacent to segments in CO_rivers. The two files, CO_rivers and CO_water must be used together to view the major waterways in the state. CO_hwys: CO_hwys was derived from highways [CO_CDOT]. Line segments between highway intersections were combined and all detailed supporting fields relating to those short segments were eliminated. CO_PLSS The Public Land Survey Grid was provided by the BLM. It is a simplified public land survey grid and does not match exactly the grid underlying the CO_claim dataset. CO_MRDS: CO_MRDS is an extensively revised version of the MRDS records for Colorado in the USGS database CO_MAS: CO_MAS is an extensively revised version of the MAS records for Colorado in the USGS (and former USBM) database CO_24K: index to 7 1/2-minute quadrangles in Colorado CO_100K: index to 1 degree X 30 minute quadrangles containing any portion of Colorado CO_250K: index to 1 degree X 2 degree quadrangles containing any portion of Colorado. ______________________________________________________________________ *Each of the original metadata files in the CDOTdata subdirectory, originally in html format, has been translated to an ASCII text file (.txt extension). These metadata files are not in standard metadata format. The title of the data files and the corresponding metadata file are as follows: CDOT Statewide Metadata - Airports airports [CO_airpt] County Boundaries Data counties [CO_cnty] Forest Service Roads Data forestrds [CO_RdFS] Lakes Data lakes [CO_lake] Land Status Data publands [CO_publnd] Local Roads Data lroads [CO_RdLoc] Major Roads Data fcroads [CO_RdCou] Muncipal Boundaries Data cities [CO_town] Railroads Data railroad [CO_RailR] Streams Data streams [CO_creek] Highways Data highways [CO_CDOT] The above files, after reprojecting to latitude/longitude in decimal degrees, are used in their entirety and otherwise unedited.