Airport Locations Shapefile Description Spatial Attributes Keywords Theme: Airport Description Abstract Features in this dataset represent the point locations of public or military airports in Colorado. Purpose Geographic data representing airports is required by the ISTEA and TEA21 Federal legislation. _________________ Status of the data Complete Data update frequency: Every two years. Time period for which the data is relevant Date and time: July, 2001 Description: July, 2001 Publication Information Who created the data: CDOT, Div. of Transportation Development Date and time: March, 2002 _________________ Data storage and access information File name: airports Type of data: vector digital data Data processing environment: Windows NT Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcInfo Accessing the data Data format: SHP Size of the data: 0.198 Data transfer size: 0.198 How to decompress the file: no compression applied Network location: http:/ Access instructions: Download from Internet website for CDOT. Constraints on accessing and using the data Access constraints: This data is public data. There are no restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set. Use constraints: There are no restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted. The State of Colorado assumes no liability relating to the completeness, correctness, or fitness for use of this data. Details about this document Contents last updated: 20020322 at time 10162200 Who completed this document Person: Louis S. Henefeld Organization: CDOT, Div. of Transportation Development mailing address Address: 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. City: Denver State or province: CO Postal code: 80222 Country: USA Voice telephone: 303 757 9809 Electronic mail address: Standards used to create this document Standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata Standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998 Time convention used in this document: local time Metadata profiles defining additonal information: ESRI Metadata Profile : ___________________________________________________________________________ Horizontal coordinate system Projected coordinate system name: UTM Zone 13 Details Grid Coordinate System Name: Universal Transverse Mercator UTM Zone Number: 13 Planar Coordinate Information Planar Distance Units: meters Coordinate Encoding Method: row and column Geodetic Model Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Altitude System Definition Distance Units: feet _________________ Bounding coordinates Horizontal In decimal degrees West: Western-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude. REQUIRED. East: Eastern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in longitude. REQUIRED. North: Northern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude. REQUIRED. South: Southern-most coordinate of the limit of coverage expressed in latitude. REQUIRED. In projected or local coordinates Left: 157422.966065 Right: 753019.672429 Top: 4538989.549620 Bottom: 4097771.229874 _________________ Spatial data quality Horizontal positional accuracy Report on coordinate accuracy Horizontal Accuracy based on airport locations published by the FAA. _________________ Spatial data description Vector data information ESRI description airports ESRI feature type: Simple Geometry type: Point Topology: FALSE Feature count: 83 Spatial Index: TRUE Linear referencing: FALSE SDTS description Feature class: SDTS feature type, feature count airports: Entity point , 83 ____________________________________________________________________________ Details for airports Type of object: Feature Class Number of records: 83 Attributes FID Alias: FID Data type: OID Width: 4 Precision: 0 Scale: 0 Shape Alias: Shape Data type: Geometry Width: 0 Precision: 0 Scale: 0 NAME Alias: NAME Data type: String Width: 127 Definition: Airport name Definition Source: CDOT Div. of Aeronautics LOC_ID Alias: LOC_ID Data type: String Width: 50 Definition: FAA Airport identifier Definition Source: CDOT Div. of Aeronautics ELEV Alias: ELEV Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: Airport elevation Definition Source: CDOT Div. of Aeronautics FUNC_LEVEL Alias: FUNC_LEVEL Data type: String Width: 50 Definition: Functional role of the airport in Colorado's airport system. Definition Source: CDOT Div. of Aeronautics COUNTY Alias: COUNTY Data type: String Width: 32 Definition: Name of county in which airport is located. FIPSCOUNTY Alias: FIPSCOUNTY Data type: String Width: 5 Definition: FIPS County Code of county in which airport is located. ASSOCCITY Alias: ASSOCCITY Data type: String Width: 50 Definition: Name of nearest city or community to the airport. Usually the airport's basis of support. FIPSCITY Alias: FIPSCITY Data type: String Width: 5 Definition: FIPS City Code of associated city. REGION Alias: REGION Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: CDOT Transportaton Region number in which the airport is located. TPRID Alias: TPRID Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: Colorado Transportation Planning Region number in which the airport is located. ISNHS Alias: ISNHS Data type: String Width: 2 Definition: Is the airport located near the National Highway System? NEARHWY Alias: NEARHWY Data type: String Width: 64 Definition: Closest highway(s) to the airport. AIRPORTTYP Alias: AIRPORTTYP Data type: String Width: 16 Definition: Types of aviation service provided. AIRCRAFTOP Alias: AIRCRAFTOP Data type: String Width: 50 Definition: Aircraft operations. AIRPORTHOU Alias: AIRPORTHOU Data type: String Width: 127 Definition: Airport's hours of operation RUNWAYS Alias: RUNWAYS Data type: String Width: 2 Definition: Number of runways RUNWAYLENG Alias: RUNWAYLENG Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Lengths of each runway. RUNWAYSURF Alias: RUNWAYSURF Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Types of runway surfaces. LIGHTING Alias: LIGHTING Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Types of runway lighting. NAVIGATION Alias: NAVIGATION Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Types of navigational aids. NEARRECREA Alias: NEARRECREA Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Recreation areas near the airport. COMMENTS Alias: COMMENTS Data type: String Width: 254 Definition: Comments on the airport. X_COORD Alias: X_COORD Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: X Coordinate - UTM Zone 13. Y_COORD Alias: Y_COORD Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: Y Coordinate - UTM Zone 13. LAT Alias: LAT Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: Latitude of airport. LONG Alias: LONG Data type: Number Width: 20 Number of decimals: 5 Definition: Longitude of airport.