CDOT Statewide Metadata - Highways DataCDOT GIS Data Dictionary - 2002 Metadata HIGHWAYS - Statewide geographic data Features in this dataset represent segments of public highways that are maintained and under the jurisdiction of the Colorado Department of Transportation. These highways consist of Interstates, US Highways, and State Highways. Features are represented by polyline (linear) geographic shapes. Projection Information: Datum: NAD83 Projection: UTM Zone: 13 Units: Meters Notes: 1.) All information is current as of March 15, 2002. Selected updates to this data reflect more recent information. 2.) Data extent is available at a Colorado statewide level. Attribute information 1.) Route: The number designating the State Route, including a section (log) identifier designated by a letter for the State data base. Character field, size = 4 2.) Refpt: Beginning reference point for the highway segment. Measured in miles. Number field, size = 12, 3 decimal places. 3.) EndRefPt: Ending reference point for the highway segment Measured in miles. Number field, size = 11, 3 decimal places. 4.) Seg_Length: Length of the highway segment, in miles, carried to three decimal places Number field, size = 11, 3 decimal places. 5.) Region: The engineering district number that contains the highway segment. Value range: 1 - 6. Character field, size = 2 6.) TPRId: CDOT Transportation Planning Region number that contains the highway segment. Value range: 1 - 15. Character field, size = 2 7.) CommDistId: Colorado Transportation Commission District number that contains the highway segment. Value range: 1 - 9. Character field, size = 2 8.) City: Name of the incorporated city that contains the highway segment. Character field, size = 30 9.) FIPSCity: City FIPS code. Character field, size = 5 10.) County: Name of the county that contains the highway segment. Character field, size = 12 11.) FIPSCounty: County FIPS code. Character field, size = 3 12.) FunClass: The classification of the highway segment, as defined by FHWA, and is divided between rural and urban areas. The functional classification system is based on the grouping of streets and highways into classes, or systems, according to the character of the service they are intended to provide. The road classes are: Arterial - a major highway primarily for through traffic usually on a continuous route. Collector - streets whose primary purpose is to serve the internal traffic movement within an area. Local - streets whose primary purpose is feeding higher order systems (collector & arterial), or providing direct access with little or no through traffic. Character field, size = 30 13.) NHSDesig: National Highway System designation, indicating if the highway segment is part of the National Highway System. Character field, size = 30 14.) SSCId: The number designating the highway segment as a State Significant Corridor. Value range: 1 - 13. Character field, size = 2 15.) PRIOPI: An aggregate score that gives an indication of the pavement surface condition based on roughness, ride, cracking, and rutting. A score of 100 is considered good. A score of 50 indicates the need for reconstruction or very major rehabilitation. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 16.) PRIGFP: Range of years of remaining service life of the pavement of the highway segment. Values: G, F, P, indicating: > 11 Years - G. 6 - 11 Years - F < 6 Years - P Character field, size = 1 17.) PRIIRII: The indexed value of the International Roughness Index. Values range from 0 to 100. The higher the index value, the better the road's roughness index. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 18.) PRICrackI: The percentage of the road surface affected by cracking and patching. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 19.) PRIRutI: A value between 0 and 100 that is used to calculate Remaining Service Life for rutting. A value of 100 indicates .15 inch or less rutting. A value of 50 is the threshold that indicates no more remaining service life. This occurs at an average rut depth of .55 inches. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 20.) AADT: The annual average daily traffic count for the highway segment, in both directions, representing an average 24-hour day in a year. (Total of all vehicles counted divided by 365.) Number field, size = 11, 0 decimal places. 21.) AADT20: Estimate of average annual daily traffic count in 20 years for the highway segment. Number field, size = 11, 0 decimal places. 22.) AADTYr: The calendar year (YYYY) in which the average daily traffic count was taken for the highway segment. Character field, size = 4 23.) AADTDeriv: Method of how the aadt was determined. Character field, size = 13 24.) PkTrk: Percentage of trucks traveling along the highway segment. Measured in percentage. Number field, size = 9, 2 decimal places. 25.) AADTSingle: The Average Daily Traffic count that consists of trucks on a single chassis, excluding pickups and vans. Measured as a count. Number field, size = 11, 0 decimal places. 26.) AADTComb: The Average Daily Traffic count that consists of trucks on multiple chassis (combined units), excluding pickups and vans. Measured as a count. Number field, size = 11, 0 decimal places. 27.) VCRatio: The hourly traffic volume divided by the capacity of the highway segment. Number field, size = 8, 2 decimal places. 28.) VCRatio20: The estimate of the hourly V/C ratio for 20 years from the base year. Number field, size = 8, 2 decimal places. 29.) VMT: Vehicle miles traveled on this highway segment. Calculated by multiplying the Seg_Length by the AADT. Number field, size = 11, 0 decimal places. 30.) SpeedLim: The speed limit posted for the highway segment. Measured in miles per hour. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 31.) PRISurf: Type of material used in the construction of the surface of the highway segment for the primary direction of traffic as defined by FWHA. Character field, size = 30 32.) ThruLnQty: Number of travel lanes. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 33.) ThruLnWd: Travel lane width. Measured in feet. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 34.) PRIOutShd: The surface type of the Right Outside Shoulder for the highway segment. Character field, size = 20 35.) PRIOutShdW: The width, in feet, of the Right Outside Shoulder for the highway segment. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 36.) Median: A classification of the type of median on the highway segment. Character field, size = 25 37.) MedianWd: The predominant width of the median, in whole feet, measured between the inside edges of the shoulders, excluding the shoulders, on the highway segment. Number field, size = 6, 0 decimal places. 38.) Terrain: Dominant type of terrain through which the road passes. Values range from 1 to 3. 1 - Flat terrain 2 - Rolling terrain 3 - Mountainous terrain Character field, size = 1 39.) Description: A narrative describing the location of the end point of the highway segment. Character field, size = 55 This page last reviewed March 20, 2002 Last modified March 20, 2002.