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Texas Water Science Center

Major and Catastrophic Storms and Floods in Texas

In cooperation with the Lower Colorado River Authority,
Federal Emergency Management Agency, and 
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 03–193

By Raymond M. Slade, Jr., and John Patton


Many Texas storms represent some of the largest storms in the world. Flooding from large storms has affected Texas throughout its history, causing many deaths and much economic loss and hardship. Floods occur regularly in Texas, and destructive floods occur somewhere in the State every year. Many of these floods are destructive because they often occur in areas where extreme flooding had not occurred for many years. These floods often are perceived as unexpected or even unprecedented because their peak water-surface elevations (stages) can greatly exceed those of past floods. This report documents major and catastrophic storms and floods in Texas. Storms can be viewed by date, county, or maximum precipitation.

Table of Contents

Opening Page

Report Guide




Floods and Drought

View Storm Listing by

Date Range

County of Storm Center

Maximum Precipitation

Substantial Flood Peaks

Maximum Gaged Flood Peaks

Ungaged Extreme Flood Peaks

Selected WWW Resources

Related Documents

Measuring and Gaging Streamflow

Measuring Precipitation

Recent Reports About Floods and Storm Rainfall

Patton Narratives

Texas Flood Safety


Dedication and Credits

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