The Automated Data Processing System (ADAPS) was developed for the processing, storage, and retrieval of water data, and is part of the National Water Information System (NWIS) developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. NWIS is a distributed water database in which data can be processed over a network of computers at U.S. Geological Survey offices throughout the United States. NWIS comprises four subsystems: ADAPS, the Ground-Water Site Inventory System (GWSI), the Water-Quality System (QWDATA), and the Site-Specific Water-Use Data System (SWUDS).
This section of the NWIS User's Manual describes the automated data processing of continuously recorded water data, which primarily are surface-water data; however, the system also allows for the processing of water-quality and ground-water data.
This manual describes various components and features of the ADAPS, and provides an overview of the data processing system and a description of the system framework. The components and features included are: (1) data collection and processing, (2) ADAPS menus and programs, (3) command line functions, (4) steps for processing station records, (5) postprocessor programs control files, (6) the standard format for transferring and entering unit and daily values, and (7) relational database (RDB) formats.
ADAPS Coversheet (120KB)
Inside Front Cover Page (67KB)
Table of Contents (160KB)
1.3 Changes for ADAPS Versions 4.2 and 4.3
3.2 Site and Data Type Records
3.7 Data Corrections and Shifts
3.9 Unit Values Screening Thresholds
4.3 ADAPS Startup and Query Routines
4.4.2 Process ADR Card-Image Data
4.4.3 Edit and Store ADR Tape Data
4.4.4 Review/Del. Dig. Tape Temp. Files
4.4.5 Process UV Card-Image Data
4.4.6 Enter Unit-Values from Digitizer/Keyboard
4.4.7 Process Daily-Values Card-Image Data
4.4.8 Process WRD Standard Input Data
4.4.9 Enter/Update/Display Measurements
4.5 Primary Data Processing PR Menu (1.6MB)
4.5.1 Update Data Descriptor Thresholds
4.5.2 Edit Time-Series Data Using Hydra
4.5.3 MISTE (MIssing STreamflow Estimation)
4.5.4 Update/Display Data Corrections
4.5.5 Update/Display Rating Tables
4.5.6 Shift Analysis and Error Bars
4.5.9 Edit DV Statistical Summary
4.5.10 Daily-Values Manipulation
4.5.11 Print/Display Unit-Values Tables
4.5.14 Peak Flow Entry and Retrieval
4.5.15 Manage Record Data Aging
4.5.18 Station Analysis Report
4.6 ADAPS Statistical Applications (290KB)
4.6.1 Daily-Values Monthly and Annual Statistics
4.6.2 Daily-Values Duration and N-day Low/High Value Analysis
4.6.3 Daily-Values Daily Summary Statistics
4.6.6 Daily-Values Manipulation
4.7 Data Display (556KB)
4.7.2 Print/Display Unit-Values Tables
4.7.8 Display Rating Tables Dates
4.7.11 Display Data Correction Records
4.7.12 Display Variable Shifts
4.7.13 Display Expanded Shifts and Corrections
4.7.16 Display Data Aging Status
4.8 Data Retrieve/Write (366KB)
4.8.1 Retrieve ADAPS Data to RDB Formats
4.8.2 Retrieve /Write Daily-Values Data
4.8.3 General Retrieval of Time-Series Data (OUTWAT)
4.8.4 Retrieve Interpoloted Unit-Values at Specified Times
4.8.5 Retrieve Data Quality-Assurance Summary Report
4.9 Update Support Files/Record Flags (244KB)
4.9.1 Manage Record Data Aging Status
4.9.3 Update Data Descriptor Information
4.9.4 Update ADR Instrument Information
4.10 Maintain Database (241KB)
4.10.1 Manage Record Data Aging Status
4.10.2 Update DIS Node Configuration File
4.10.3 Review/Delete User File Entries
4.10.4 Archive Unit Values to Disk for Tape Storage
4.10.5 Restore Unit Values from Archive Tape Storage
4.10.6 Split a UV Sub-File in Two
4.10.7 Delete Measured Unit-Values
4.11 Miscellaneous Utility Functions (314KB)
4.11.1 Update Site/Data Descriptor Groups
4.11.3 Merge/Replace Unit-Values Data
4.11.4 Set Edited UV "checked" Status Flag
4.11.6 Edit Public Access Flags
6.1 Steps for Processing Station Records (845KB)
6.1.5 Velocity-Deflection Meter Station
6.1.8 Water Quality Monitor Station
6.1.9 Ground Water Well Station
6.2 Postprocessor Programs Control Files (183KB)
6.2.3 Tabling Program Control Records
6.3 Standard Format for Transferring and Entering Unit and Daily Values (307KB)
6.3.1 Record Types for the Transmission Envelope
6.3.2 Record Types for the Standard Data Format
6.4 RDB Format (195KB)
6.4.5 Expanded Rating RDB Table
6.4.8 Data Corrections RDB Table
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National Water Information System (NWIS) U.S. Geological Survey, Fact Sheet FS-027-98, March 1998 and Fact Sheet FS-128-02, November 2002
Address questions or comments to: Barbara Hoopes, 703-648-4894
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