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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey

Suspended-Sediment Concentration and Pool Sedimentation Data for the Gibbon River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, September 2000 through October 2001

Open-File Report 03-185

National Park Service Logo

Prepared in cooperation with the

By  Peter R. Wright and Ronald B. Zelt

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This report presents data on streamflow, suspended-sediment concentration, geomorphic measurements of pools, and particle-size distribution of surficial bed material, collected along a 5-mile reach of the Gibbon River in Yellowstone National Park. The study was done in cooperation with the National Park Service. The Park Service was concerned about the potential effects that road reconstruction would have on water quality.

A streamflow-gaging station and two automatic pumping samplers were installed in September 2000 to collect suspended-sediment samples. The gage and samplers were operated seasonally from March through September 2001. The geomorphic survey of pools and sampling of bed material occurred during October 2000.

Photo of the Gibbon River




Purpose and scope

Description of area


Data tables

Water Resources of Wyoming

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