Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Prepared in cooperation with the:
U.S. Department of Energy and
Idaho Department of Water Resources
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Open-File Report 2004-1004
By Gordon W. Rattray and Linford J. Campbell, Idaho Department of Water Resources
Idaho Falls, Idaho
March 2004
This report is available as a pdf.
The U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Department of Water Resources, and the State of Idaho INEEL Oversight Program, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy, sampled water from 17 sites as part of the sixth round of a long-term project to monitor water quality of the eastern Snake River Plain aquifer from the southern boundary of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory to the Hagerman area. The samples were collected from eight irrigation wells, three domestic wells, one stock well, one dairy well, one commercial well, one observation well, and two springs and analyzed for selected radiochemical and chemical constituents. One quality-assurance sample, a sequential replicate, also was collected and analyzed.
Many of the radionuclide and inorganic-constituent concentrations were greater than the reporting levels and most of the organic-constituent concentrations were less than the reporting levels. However, none of the reported radiochemical- or chemical-constituent concentrations exceeded the maximum contaminant levels for drinking water established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Statistical evaluation of the replicate sample pair indicated that, with 95 percent confidence, 132 of the 135 constituent concentrations of the replicate pair were equivalent.
Geohydrologic Setting
Methods and quality assurance
Site selection
Sample containers and preservatives
Sample collection
Quality assurance
Radiochemical constituents
Gross alpha-particle radioactivity
Gross beta-particle radioactivity
Cesium-137 and potassium-40
Chemical constituents
Trace elements
Common ions
Purgeable organic compounds
Statistical equivalency of the replicate pair of samples
Selected references
U.S. Geological Survey
INEEL, MS 1160
P.O. Box 2230
Idaho Falls, ID 83403
U.S. Geological Survey
Information Services
Building 810
Box 25286, Federal Center
Denver, CO 80225-0286
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