Raw Data and Interpolation Grids:
Data Links:
§ The full National Geochemical Survey Database and Documentation (USGS, 2004) can be found at:
§ The National Geochemical Survey dataset for New England (USGS 2004) can be retrieved at:
File definitions and links:Water Chemistry:Alkalinity, Specific Conductance, pH (Nure.zip, 2.35 MB)Stream Sediment Chemistry:Majors: Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, Na2O, SiO2, TiO2 (Major_oxides.zip, 6.58 MB)
Base/Toxic metals: As, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn (Metals_tb.zip, 4.07 MB)
Alkaline Earths: Ba, Sr (Alkaline_earth.zip, 1.61 MB)
Heavy-mineral suite, rare earths: Ce, Ce/Yb(n), La, Nd (Heavymin_re.zip, 3.2 MB)
First-row Transition elements: Sc, V (Row1_trans.zip, 1.45 MB)
Heavy-mineral suite, other: Th, U, Y, Zr (Heavymin_o.zip, 2.92 MB)
Avl legend Files for all elements and water chemistry are provided in Avl.zip (35.8 KB)
To bring ASCII file into Arcview 3.2:
§ Open a View
§ Choose “Import Data Source” under File menu
§ Choose “ASCII Raster”
§ Browse to desired .asc file (for example, “fe2o3.asc”)
§ Give file new output grid name
Direct questions and comments to:
Gilpin R. Robinson
U.S. Geological Survey
Email grobinso@usgs.gov
Phone (703)-648-6113