U.S. Geological Survey

Long Valley Ground Magnetic Data Processing


  1. Original binary data from the G-858 for each profile were converted to ASCII data using MagMap 2000 software.  These data contain longitude, latitude, top sensor reading, bottom sensor reading, vertical gradient, time, and date.  The data were filtered in MagMap 2000 by removing all dropout values, which could have been the result of the instrument being in a dead zone or near a large iron or steel object. 

  3. Original binary data from the G-856 for each day were converted to ASCII data using MagMap 2000 software.  These data contain date, time, and sensor reading.  The base magnetometer data were filtered by removing dropouts, despiking fluctuations, and smoothing the resultant values to a curve using a third degree spline filter. 

  5. A diurnal correction was performed using the MagMap 2000 software, and the resultant data was exported using the ASCII Geosoft .xyz format into file "long_valley.XYZ". 

  7. The data files were merged into one database ("long_valley.gdb") using Geosoft’s OASIS montaj. 

  9. Profiles of top sensor, bottom sensor, vertical gradient, and the two diurnally corrected channels were plotted, and the remaining data spikes were then deleted.  Subsequently, a linear interpolation was performed on the top sensor, bottom sensor, and the two diurnally corrected channels to fill in the deleted values.  The vertical gradient channel was then recalculated. 

  11. The final data set contains fifteen channels:


Roberts, C. W. and Jachens, R. C., 1999, Preliminary aeromagnetic anomaly map of California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-440, scale 1:250,000.

Sorey, M. L., McConnell, V. S., and Roeloffs, E., 2003, Summary of recent research in Long Valley Caldera, California: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 127 pp. 165 – 173.

Stroujkova, A. F and Malin, P. E., 2000, A magma mass beneath Casa Diable? Further evidence from reflected seismic waves: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 90, no. 2 pp. 500 – 511.

Willams, D. L., Berkman, F., and Mankinen, E. A., 1977, Implications of a magnetic model of the Long Valley Caldera, California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 82, no. 20, pp. 30303038.

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