Laura Margaret Norman U.S. Geological Survey Southwest Geographic Science Team 520 N. Park Avenue, Suite #355 Tucson, AZ 85719-5035 Phone: (520) 670-5510 Fax: (520) 670-5571 March 26, 2004 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This dataset contains work intended for publication as an Open-File Report. "Monitoring Colonias Development along the United States-Mexico Border: A Process Application using GIS and Remote Sensing in Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora" By Laura M. Norman , Angela J. Donelson , Edwin L. Pfeifer, Alven H. Lam , and Kenneth J. Osborn Open-File Report 2004-1212 Version 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Available Material ofr2004-1212.pdf PDF doucment (5.7 MB, 116 pages) ofr2004-1212.doc Microsoft Word Document (12.3 MB, 116 pages) Shapefiles: 1973 Urban Extent (1973) 1985 Urban Extent (1985) 1995 Urban Extent (1995) 2000 Urban Extent (2000) COLONIAS IN AGUA PRIETA, SONORA (ap_colonias) WATERLINES IN AGUA PRIETA, SONORA (ap_waterlines) FLOODZONES IN AGUA PRIETA, SONORA (ap_floodzone) SEWERLINES IN AGUA PRIETA, SONORA (ap_sewerlines) WELLS IN AGUA PRIETA, SONORA (ap_wells) COLONIAS IN DOUGLAS, ARIZ. (d_colonias) SEWERLINES- DOUGLAS, ARIZ. (d_sewerlines) WATERLINES- DOUGLAS, ARIZ. (d_waterlines) ATTRACTIONS IN DOUGLAS, ARIZ. (d_attractions)