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USGS Open-File Report 2004-1227

Data dictionary for file 'taxon01', S3C Database, Version 20040427
[USDA, United State Department of Agriculture; NRCS, Natural Resource Conservation Service; VARIABLE FORMAT--Dw where D=data type (C, character; F, floating point; I, integer), w=field width, d=precision.]
ssnflg C1 Soil series status as defined by USDA NRCS:  E=established; I=inactive; T, tentative1.
series C23 Soil series name as revised from field classification or the field classification if not revised1.  Primary key ('taxon01' table).
tstate C2 Type state--state where the typical soil profile (TYPIFYING PEDON) for a soil series is located (TYPE LOCATION)1.
estyear C4 Year that the soil series was officially established1.
soi5date C5 Year of most recent revision for that series in the SOILS-5 database1,2.
ustate C30 States using--states in which the soil series is correlated3.
soi501 C132 Soil pedons that have been selected as having properties characteristic of a series and are used in the Soils-5 database2.  These pedons have been assigned identification numbers.  Samples from these pedons have been analyzed by the USDA NRCS Soils Characterization Laboratory at the National Soil Survey Center in Lincoln, Nebraska.
soi502 C132 Continuation of variable field 'soi501'.
order C24 Soil order--the highest level of taxonomic classification in the U.S. soil classification system as defined by the USDA NRCS4.  There presently are twelve recognized soil orders.
suborder C24 Soil suborder--the second highest level of soil taxonomic classification (subdivision of soil order) as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
ggroup C32 Soil great group--the third highest level of soil taxonomic classification (subdivision of soil suborder) as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
sgroup C60 Soil subgroup--the fourth highest level of soil taxonomic classification (subdivision of soil great group) as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
igrade C60 Intergrade subgroup--soil subgroups that are trasitional forms to other soil orders, suborders, or great groups as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
xgrade C16 Extragrade subgroup--soil subgroups that have properties not representative of the great group but do not appear to be transitional to any other recognized soil type as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
soilfam C132 Soil family--the fifth highest level of soil taxonomic classification (subdivision of soil subgroup) as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
pscl C48 Particle-size class--soil category based on particle size as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
scpscl C48 Strongly contrasting particle-size class--soil category based on two very different particle size classes within the same soil as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
mincl C16 Mineral class--soil category based on the mineralogy of one or more of particle-size components of a soil as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
scmincl C48 Strongly contrasting soil mineral class--soil category based on the mineralogy of the strongly contrasting particle-size component of a soil as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
ceacl C12 Cation exchange activity class--soil category based on ratios of CEC to the weight percent of silicate clay as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
calrecl C12 Calcareous reaction class--soil category based on the presence or absence of carbonate, soil reaction, and aluminum concentration as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
stempcl C16 Soil temperature class--soil category based on mean annual or seasonal soil temperatures as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
sdepthcl C16 Soil depth class--soil category based on the root-limiting depth in a soil as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
smregime C16 Soil moisture regime as defined by the USDA NRCS4.
  1/ Soil Survey Staff, 2003, Official soil series descriptions:  U.S Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, NE, accessed June 4, 2003 at URL
  2/ U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 1992, Soil Interpretation Record (SIR, Soils-5, SOI-5, or S-5) database that has been decomissioned and archived; accessed June 4, 2003 at URL
  3/ Soil Survey Staff, 2003, Soil series classification database:  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, NE, accessed June 4, 2003 at URL
  4/ Soil Survey Staff, 1998, Keys to soil taxonomy, 8th ed.: United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 328 p.

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