U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1229B ARC/INFO Grid Export format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This format is readable by ARC/INFO, ERDAS IMAGINE, ARC/VIEW, and other packages. When imported into ARC/INFO and ARC/VIEW, the file will unpack into a directory containing all the components of the registered grid coverage. The ARCGRID module in ARC/INFO and SPATIAL ANALYST in ARC/VIEW will allow display in color shaded- relief. Blanca - all files except b83rcgrd.e00 Data Format: ESRI Grid Cell Size = 50.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 707 Number of Columns = 629 Xmin = 440775.000 Xmax = 472225.000 Ymin = 4118575.000 Ymax = 4153925.000 Projection: UTM Zone 13 Units: METERS Spheroid: CLARKE1866 b83rcgrd.e00 Cell Size = 50.000 Data Type: Floating Point Number of Rows = 722 Number of Columns = 643 Xmin = 440375.000 Xmax = 472525.000 Ymin = 4118425.000 Ymax = 4154525.000 Projection: UTM Zone 13 Units: METERS Spheroid: WGS84