Format for data files of Magnetic susceptibility measurements on drill hole samples from the Stinkingwater mining district, Absaroka Mountains, northwestern Wyoming, M.E. Gettings/ March,2002 Data fields: UTM easting (m), UTM northing (m), altitude (ft),K (cgs/unit mass),sigmaK (cgs/unit mass), lithology code, texture code, oxidized/enriched code, alteration class code, hole group code, hole number, sample number, Hg (ppm), Cu (ppm), Mo (ppm), Fe (%), Ti (%), Ag (ppm), Au (ppm) codes: lithology: 1-Crater Mtn dacite, 2-dike, 3-Needle Mountain granodiorite, 4-Needle Mountain granodiorite (?), 9-undetermined texture: 1-fine grained, 2- Porphyry, 3-phaneritcic(crystalline), 9- undetermined oxidized/enriched: oxidized-1 protoore-2 enriched-3 unknown-9 alteration class 1-propylitic, 2- phyllic, 3- potassic, 9-undetermined hole group: N-Needle Creek, S-Stinkingwater Data are stored in two text files, each containing 700 samples: 1) The file stwr_drillholes_data_final contains original analytic data for Hg, Cu, Mo, Fe, Ti, Ag, and Au using codes N or N( ) - not detected or not detected at limits shown; L or L( ) - detected but below limit of determination or limit shown. 2) The file is identical to stwr_drillholes_data_final except that the "not detected" and "less than" (N and L) codes have been replaced with arbitrary numbers to allow plotting. For gold, not detected (N or N(.05)) was assigned 0.01; less than (L or L(.05)) was assigned 0.015. For silver, not detected (N or N(.05)) was assigned 0.01; less than (L or L(.5)) was assigned 0.45. The reference for the chemical analyses is: Fisher, F.S., 1971, Geochemical data and sample locality maps from the Stinkingwater mining region, Park County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Rept. USGS-GD-71-003; avilable only from U.S. Dept. Commerce Natl. Tech. Inf. Service, Springfield, Va, 22151 as Rept. PB1-96987. The reference for geologic information is: Fisher, F.S., 1972, Tertiary mineralization and hydrothermal alteration in the Stinkingwater mining region, Park County, Wyoming: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1332-C, 33p.