U.S. Geological Survey home page

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Downloadable Data Files for the New England States

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To Download Data Files Listed Below:

    PC: right click desired link, choose:   "Save Target As..." , and choose "All Files" in the 'Save as type' box (Internet Explorer) 

             or "Save Link As..." (Netscape)

    Macintosh: click and hold, choose "Download Link to Disk..." (Internet Explorer), or "Save This Link As..." (Netscape)

Grid Formats: Geosoft Oasis montaj binary,   Grid Exchange ascii,    ESRI binary (requires Spatial Analyst)

Explanation of grid formats: see  grid_facts.txt

Other USGS  Download Sites for Aeromagnetic Data:   Ascii files of most digitized analog surveys may be downloaded from: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/1999/ofr-99-0557/html/mag_home.htm  (U.S. Geological Survey, 1999) Digital flight line data for most surveys flown since about 1973 are available from: http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2002/ofr-02-361/ (U.S. Geological Survey and National Geophysical Data Center, 2002).

Get Free Grid Viewing Software from Geosoft:  Each of the grid file formats  may be viewed on-screen or printed using the free OasisMontaj  interface software. The viewer can also convert grids  to other grid formats. The viewer is available from Geosoft at:    http://www.geosoft.com/pinfo/oasismontaj/free/index.asp

Data Files:

 Composite Aeromagnetic Grid Files:                    

New England States and Gulf of Maine - Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Massachusetts: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Connecticut: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Rhode Island: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Vermont: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

New Hampshire: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Maine: Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)      Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Bouguer/Free Air Gravity Anomaly Grid:

New England States and Gulf of Maine:  Choose Format:    Geosoft (part A, B)       Grid Exchange        ESRI (part A, B)

Gravity Data Points (ascii format):

Land data:  NE_Land_grav.xyz

Marine data:  NE_Marine_grav_USGS.xyz


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Contact: David L. Daniels
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