Water-Use Data for the Red River of the North Basin, North Dakota,
Minnesota, and South Dakota, 1979-2001
Open-File Report 2004-1308ONLINE ONLY
By Kathleen M. Macek-Rowland, Allan D. Arntson, Karen
R. Ryberg, Ann L. Dahl, U.S. Geological Survey and Amy Lieb, Bureau of
In cooperation with the Bureau of Reclamation
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The Red River of the North, located in the north-central plains of the
United States, plays an important role in population growth and economic
development of the region. Because of recent and projected growth in
population, industry, and agriculture in the Red River of the North Basin,
alternatives to additional water resources will be needed to supplement future
water needs. Past and current water-use data are needed to help select
the most viable water-resource alternatives. Withdrawal and return flow
data were collected from various sources throughout the Red River of the North
Basin from 1979 through 2001. The withdrawal data were aggregated by
subbasin, monthly totals, and water-use categories. The return flow data
were aggregated by subbasin and monthly totals. The Red River of the
North Basin was divided into subbasins based on locations of U.S. Geological
Survey streamflow-gaging stations and by specifically-identified
reaches. Results of the water-use compilation are provided in this
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Description of the Red River of the North Basin
Water-Use History
Water-Use Data Resources
Compilation of Water-Use Data
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Otter Tail River above Orwell Reservoir,
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Otter Tail River above Orwell Reservoir to the Otter Tail River at
the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Bois de Sioux River above Lake Traverse, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Bois de Sioux River above Lake Traverse to the
Bois de Sioux River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Otter Tail River at the mouth and Bois de Sioux River
at the mouth to the Red River of the North at Wahpeton, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Wild Rice River (North Dakota) at the mouth,
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Red River of the North at Wahpeton, North Dakota,
to the Red River of the North at Fargo, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Sheyenne River above Harvey, North Dakota,
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River above Harvey, North Dakota,
to the Sheyenne River near Warwick, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River near Warwick, North Dakota,
to the Sheyenne River near Cooperstown, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for Baldhill Creek at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River near Cooperstown, North
Dakota, to the Sheyenne River below Baldhill Dam, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River below Baldhill Dam, North
Dakota, to the Sheyenne River at Valley City, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River at Valley City, North Dakota,
to the Sheyenne River at Lisbon, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River at Lisbon, North Dakota, to the
Sheyenne River near Kindred, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River near Kindred, North Dakota, to
the Sheyenne River at West Fargo, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Maple River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Rush River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Sheyenne River at West Fargo, North Dakota,
from the Maple River at the mouth, and from the Rush River at the mouth to the
Sheyenne River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Buffalo River at the mouth,
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Elm River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Wild Rice River (Minnesota) at the mouth,
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Red River of the North at Fargo, North Dakota,
to the Red River of the North at Halstad, Minnesota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Goose River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Marsh River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Sand Hill River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Red Lake River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Red River of the North at Halstad, Minnesota,
to the Red River of the North at Grand Forks, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Turtle River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Forest River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Snake River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Park River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Red River of the North at Grand Forks, North
Dakota, to the Red River of the North at Drayton, North Dakota, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows for the Pembina River at the mouth, 1979-2001
- Withdrawals and return flows from the Red River of the North at Drayton, North
Dakota, to the Red River of the North at Emerson, Manitoba, 1979-2001
- Map showing location of selected cities, towns, and
hydrologic features in the Red River of the North Basin
- Map showing location of subbasins in the Red River of
the North Basin
- Water-use permit system information for water withdrawals
for North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota
- Water-use permit system information for return flows
for North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota
- Subbasins used to aggregate water use in the Red River
of the North Basin
- Monthly percentage of water used during a growing
season for flood, sprinkler, and combination irrigation
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