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Nutrient Concentrations in Upper and Lower Echo, Fallen Leaf, Spooner, and Marlette Lakes and Associated Outlet Streams, California and Nevada, 2002-03

By Michael S. Lico

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Previous Studies of Nutrient Concentrations in Lake Tahoe Basin Lakes
Water Sampling Methods
Laboratory Analyses
References Cited
  1. Physical and chemical profile data collected from study area lakes, 2002-03
  2. Nutrient concentrations in water samples and field data collected at study area lake sites, 2002-03
  3. Nutrient concentrations in water samples and field data collected at study area stream sites, 2002-03
  4. Nitrate concentrations determined using the Hydrazine method with pyrophosphate for samples collected from study area lake and stream sites after May 2003


  1. Map showing location of study area
  2. Maps showing location of sampling sites in: (A) Upper and Lower Echo Lakes, (B) Fallen Leaf Lake, (C) Spooner Lake, and (D) Marlette Lake
  3. Photograph of summer homes along shore of Lower Echo Lake
  4. Photograph of sample collection at Lower Echo Lake
  5. Graphs showing profiles of field measurements taken in (A) Upper Echo Lake near center (site 5), (B) Lower Echo Lake near center (site 2), (C) Fallen Leaf Lake near center (site 10), (D) Spooner Lake near center (site 14), and (E) Marlette Lake near center (site 19)
  6. Boxplots showing the distribution of nutrient data from Upper and Lower Echo, Fallen Leaf, Spooner, and Marlette Lakes: (A) dissolved nitrate (sum of nitrate plus nitrite), (B) dissolved ammonia, (C) total Kjeldahl nitrogen (ammonia plus organic nitrogen), (D) dissolved orthophosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus), (E) total phosphorus, and (F) total bioreactive iron
  7. Plots showing concentrations of nutrients in samples from Echo, Taylor, and Marlette Creeks: (A) dissolved nitrate (sum of nitrate plus nitrite), (B) dissolved ammonia, (C) total Kjeldahl nitrogen (ammonia plus organic nitrogen), (D) dissolved orthophosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus), (E) total phosphorus, and (F) total bioreactive iron


  1. List of site information for data-collection sites
  2. Method detection limits for analytes listed in this report
  3. Number of samples and median and range of concentrations of nutrient species in Lower and Upper Echo, Fallen Leaf, Spooner, and Marlette Lakes and Echo, Taylor, and Marlette Creeks
  4. Median nutrient concentrations for samples collected from Lower and Upper Echo, Fallen Leaf, Spooner, and Marlette Lakes from previous studies and this study

Return to OFR 2004-1333 or the Abstract.

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