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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2004-1335
Version 1.0

Binational Digital Soils Map of the Ambos Nogales Watershed, Southern Arizona and Northern Sonora, Mexico

By Laura Norman, Phillip Guertin, David Peņa Hernández, Alberto Suārez Barnett, and Kelly Ashton-Reis



We have prepared a digital map of soil parameters for the international Ambos Nogales watershed to use as input for selected soils-erosion models.  The Ambos Nogales watershed in southern Arizona and northern Sonora, Mexico, contains the Nogales wash, a tributary of the Upper Santa Cruz River. The watershed covers an area of 235 km2, just under half of which is in Mexico.  Preliminary investigations of potential erosion revealed a discrepancy in soils data and mapping across the United States-Mexican border due to issues including different mapping resolutions, incompatible formatting, and varying nomenclature and classification systems.  To prepare a digital soils map appropriate for input to a soils-erosion model, the historical analog soils maps for Nogales, Ariz., were scanned and merged with the larger-scale digital soils data available for Nogales, Sonora, Mexico using a geographic information system.


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For questions about the scientific content of this report, contact Laura Norman

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