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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1350

Table 1.2 - Locations of surface sampling, Pocomoke Sound, Maryland

Site Date Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Water Depth (m)
(RV)TR-1-C 5/16/2001 37° 56.821' 75° 47.664' 3
(RV)TR-1-D 5/15/2001 37° 55.766' 75° 46.868' 3.8
(RV)TR-1-E 5/15/2001 37° 54.445' 75° 45.944' 3.6
(RV)TR-1-X 5/15/2001 37° 55' 75° 46' 3.7
(RV)TR-2-C 5/16/2001 37° 57.402' 75° 43.585' 2.6
(RV)TR-2-D 5/16/2001 37° 57.037' 75° 43.516' 3.4
(RV)TR-2-E 5/16/2001 37° 56.758' 75° 43.442' 3.4;
PC2B 5/15/2001 37° 53.429' 75° 48.408' 7.9
PC3B 5/15/2001 37° 50.741' 75° 48.745' 11.4
PC4B 5/15/2001 37° 48.300' 75° 50.301' 27.3
PC4C 5/15/2001 37° 48.496' 75° 49.820' 7.3
PC6A 5/15/2001 37° 45.631' 75° 52.815' 8
PC60B 5/15/2001 37° 44.910' 75° 52.334' 14.6
PC6C 5/15/2001 37° 44.266' 75° 51.927' 7.3
Poke Rvr T-3 5/14/2001 38° 04.126' 75° 34.878' 3
T-1 5/14/2001 37° 58.842' 75° 37.831' 1.4
TR-1A 5/15/2001 37° 57.157' 75° 39.422' 1.25
TR-1-B 5/15/2001 37° 57.019' 75° 39.353' 2.1
TR-1-C 5/15/2001 37° 56.602' 75° 39.242' 1.8
TR-1-Shore 5/15/2001 37° 57.208' 75° 39.405' 0 (on shore)
TR-2-A 5/15/2001 37° 57.811' 75° 40.605' 1.4
TR-2-B 5/15/2001 37° 57.249' 75° 40.456' 2
TR-2-C 5/15/2001 37° 56.717' 75° 40.316' 1.8
TR-2-D 5/15/2001 37° 56.473' 75° 40.257' 1.6
TR-2-Shore 5/15/2001 37° 58.048' 75° 40.665' 0 (on shore)
TR-3-A 5/15/2001 37° 57.513' 75° 44.151' 1.5
TR-3-B 5/15/2001 37° 57.085' 75° 44.098' 1.9
TR-3-C 5/16/2001 37° 55.846' 75° 44.084' 1.9
TR-3-Shore 5/15/2001 37° 57.787' 75° 44.212' 0 (on shore)
RV means taken on RV Kerhin with Van Veen grab sampler except those in < 3 m, taken by hand sampler
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