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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1350

Table 6.1 - Summary of Foraminiferal Isotope Data

    18O 13C
PC-2B 1750 - 1995 -1.611658 -3.294679
1750 - 1900 -1.596255 -3.284223
post - 1900 -1.61673 -3.298185
PC-6B 1750 - 1995 -1.20088 -3.000787
1750 - 1900 -1.276715 -2.873842
post - 1900 -1.109687 -3.153441
RD/2209 2200 yr BP - present -1.077172 -3.300242
1750 - 1900 -1.736699 -4.333757
post - 1900 -1.812694 -3.81352
values are given in per mil (‰)
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