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Model parameters (MODPAR namelist)

Switches (usually 0 = off, 1 = on)

iorder - re-order all boundary  and velocity nodes from  left to 
   right; if iorder=0, a  message is written to  the screen and  
   the file vm.out to indicate the locations where boundaries or 
   velocities are not listed left to right (default: 0)

izint  -  an  array  containing  the  layer   boundaries  to  be  
   re-sampled to increase  or decrease  the number  of boundary  

ivuint, ivlint -  an array  containing the  layers in which  the 
   upper and  lower  velocity  values  are  to  be  re-sampled,  
   respectively, to increase or decrease the number of velocity 

iswit - when interpolating  the boundaries and  velocities using 
   izint, ivuint and ivlint, the corresponding switches equal to 
   0, 1 or -1 (see lines  c, f and i in  the description of the 
   file for the program RAYINVR) will be set equal to 1 if 
   either of  the switches  across which  the  interpolation is  
   performed is equal to 1 and it will be set equal to -1 if the 
   two switches equal 0  and -1; if  iswit=0, the corresponding  
   switch will be set equal  to 0 if the  switches across which 
   the interpolation is performed are different (default: 1)

izsmt - an array containing the layer  boundaries to be smoothed 
   using a three-point averaging filter

ivusmt, ivlsmt -  an array  containing the  layers in which  the 
   upper  and  lower  velocity  values   are  to  be  smoothed,  
   respectively,  using   a   three-point   averaging   filter;   
   smoothing is  performed  laterally  on  the  upper and  lower  
   velocities separately.

Other model parameters

nzint - an  array containing  the number of  points at  which to 
   uniformly re-sample  the layer  boundaries specified  in the  
   array izint;  if  nzint=1,  the  average  boundary depth  is  
   calculated; if nzint  equals the current  number of boundary  
   nodes, no re-sampling is performed  (default: none; however, 
   the default  is the  first element  of nzint  for  all layer  
   boundaries if only one value is specified)

nvuint, nvlint -  an array  containing the  number of points  at 
   which to  uniformly  re-sample  the  upper  and lower  layer  
   velocities  specified  in  the  arrays  ivuint  and  ivlint,  
   respectively; if nvuint=1 or nvlint=1,  the average upper or 
   lower layer  velocity  is calculated;  if  nvuint  or nvlint  
   equals the current number of upper or lower velocity points, 
   no re-sampling  is  performed (default:  none;  however, the  
   default is the  first element of  nvuint and nvlint  for all  
   layers if only one value is specified)

nzsmt -  an array  containing the  number of  applications of  a  
   three-point  averaging  filter   to  the   layer  boundaries   
   specified in  the  array  izsmt  (default:  1; however,  the  
   default  is  the  first  element  of  nzsmt  for  all  layer  
   boundaries if only one value is specified)

nvusmt, nvlsmt - an array containing the  number of applications 
   of a  three-point averaging  filter to  the upper  and lower  
   layer velocities specified in the  arrays ivusmt and ivlsmt, 
   respectively (default: 1; however, the  default is the first 
   element of nvusmt and nvlsmt for all layers if only one value 
   is specified)

velmin, velmax -  write a  message to  the screen  and the  file 
   vm.out indicating the location and  value of velocities less 
   than  or  greater  than  velmin   and  velmax,  respectively  
   (defaults: 0.1, 7)

dsmax -  write  a message  to  the screen  and  the file  vm.out  
   indicating the location  and value of  slope changes between  
   three successive boundary nodes greater than dsmax (degrees), 
   (default: 10)

dvvmax, dlvmax -  write a  message to  the screen  and the  file 
   vm.out indicating the location and value of vertical velocity 
   gradients greater  than  dvvmax (s-1)  and  lateral velocity  
   gradients greater than dlvmax (s-1), (defaults: 1.0, 0.1)

Ingo Pecher
Sat Mar 7 19:13:54 EST 1998