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Input parameters

iscrn - a switch to  plot the parameter adjustments  and updated 
   velocity model to the screen (default: 1)

dmpfct -  an overall  damping  factor to  control the  trade-off  
   between resolution and variance (default: 1.0)

velunc -  an estimate  of the  uncertainty (square  root of  the  
   variance) of  the  model  velocity  values (km/s)  (default:  
   0.1; however, if velunc is equal  to zero, the uncertainties 
   listed in the file i.out are used)

bndunc -  an estimate  of the  uncertainty (square  root of  the  
   variance)  of  the  depth  of  model  boundary  values  (km)  
   (default: 0.1;  however, if  bndunc  is equal  to  zero, the  
   uncertainties listed in the file i.out are used)

xmax -  maximum distance (km) of velocity model (default: none)

Ingo Pecher
Sat Mar 7 19:13:54 EST 1998