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Executable file: RAYINVR

Input file: contains program input parameters in five parts:
   (1)  the  PLTPAR  namelist  contains   parameters  related  to  
   (2)  the AXEPAR namelist contains parameters related to axes
   (3)  the  TRAPAR namelist  contains parameters  related  to ray  
   (4)  the  INVPAR  namelist  contains   parameters  related  to  
   (5)  after skipping three lines (column headings), the velocity 
   model is specified as follows:
     (a) the  layer number,  the x-coordinates  (km)  of a  layer 
        boundary entered  from  left to  right  (format: I2,  1X,  
     (b) the z-coordinates (km) of a layer boundary corresponding 
        to the x-coordinates listed above (format: 3X, 10F7.2)
     (c) a  0,  1  or  -1  for  each  z-coordinate  listed  above  
        depending on whether (1)  or not (0)  partial derivatives 
        are to be calculated for a particular boundary node or the 
        boundary depth is to be determined by fixing the thickness 
        of the  layer above  at that  x-coordinate  (-1) (format:  
        3X, 10I7)
     (d) the layer number, the  x-coordinates (km) of the  points 
        at which the  upper layer  velocity is  specified entered  
        from left to right (format: I2, 1X, 10F7.2)
     (e) the upper layer  P-wave velocities (km/s)  corresponding 
        to the x-coordinates listed above (format: 3X, 10F7.2)
     (f) a 0  or 1 for  each velocity listed  above depending  on 
        whether (1)  or not  (0)  partial derivatives  are  to be  
        calculated for a particular velocity (format: 3X, 10I7)
     (g) the layer number, the  x-coordinates (km) of the  points 
        at which the  lower layer  velocity is  specified entered  
        from left to right (format: I2, 1X, 10F7.2)
     (h) the lower layer  P-wave velocities (km/s)  corresponding 
        to the x-coordinates listed above (format: 3X, 10F7.2)
     (i) a 0, 1 or -1 for each velocity listed above depending on 
        whether (1)  or not  (0)  partial derivatives  are  to be  
        calculated for a particular velocity or the lower velocity 
        is to  be  determined  be  fixing the  vertical  velocity  
        gradient at that x-coordinate (-1) (format: 3X, 10I7)
  The above sequence  of nine lines  is repeated  for each model  
   layer, the  top-most layer  specified  first, the  bottom-most  
   last, and is ended by specifying the  bottom layer boundary of 
   the model as  in (a) and  (b) above.  If the number  of points  
   defining a boundary or the upper or  lower velocity of a layer 
   must exceed 10 then the points can be continued onto subsequent 
   lines of the  file as  follows: line  (b), (e)  or (h)  of the  
   particular parameter to be extended is modified to include a 1 
   in the second column so the complete format of the line becomes 
   I2, 1X, 10F7.2. The sequence of three lines (a)-(c), (d)-(f) or 
   (g)-(i) is then repeated  as many times as  is necessary using 
   the same format described above.

Input file: contains  the velocity model in  the same format  
   as described in part (5) above for

Input file: contains  the "floating" reflecting boundaries;
   these are interfaces with no associated velocity discontinuity
   (hence the word "floating") at which rays can reflect in 
   addition to the layer boundaries; the file format is similar to 
   that for
   (1) the number of nodes defining the floating reflector
       (format: I2)
   (2) the x-coordinates (km) of the nodes defining the floating
       reflector (format: 3X, <number of nodes>F7.2)
   (3) the z-coordinates (km) of the nodes defining the floating
       reflector (format: 3X, <number of nodes>F7.2)
   (4) a 0 or 1 for each node listed above depending on whether (1)  
       or not  (0) partial derivatives  are  to be  calculated for 
       this particular node (format: 3X, <number of nodes>I7)
   Lines (1) through (4) are repeated for each floating reflector 

Input file:  contains  the  observed travel  time-distance  
    pairs in the following format:
   (1) the  x-coordinate  (km)  of  the  shot  point,  1  if  the 
      receivers are to the right of the  shot point or -1 if the  
      receivers are to the left, 0, and 0 (format: 3F10.3, I10)
   (2)  the  x-coordinate   (km)  of  the   observed  data,  the   
      corresponding unreduced travel time (s), the estimated 
      uncertainty of the travel time pick  (s), and a  non-zero 
      integer used to identify the type of arrival  to allow for 
      the appropriate comparison with the rays traced 
      (format: 3F10.3, I10)
   Line (2) is repeated for each  pick corresponding to the shot  
   point in line (1).  The sequence (1) and  (2) is repeated  for 
   each shot point of the data  set. The file is terminated with  
   the following line:
   (3) 0, 0, 0, -1 (format: 3F10.3, I10)

Output file: tx.out contains the  calculated travel time-distance 
    pairs in the same format as described above for

Output file:  r1.out contains  summary information  for  each ray  
    traced including  the  shot  number,  take-off and  emergent  
    angle, range, reduced  travel time,  number of  points (step  
    lengths) defining the ray and the ray code.

Output  file:  r2.out  contains  detailed   parameters  for  each  
    trapezoid of the velocity model, a one-dimensional equivalent 
    (average) velocity  model and  summary information  for each  
    point of each ray traced.

Output file: i.out contains the  partial derivatives, travel time 
    residuals and travel time uncertainties used for input by the 
    program  DMPLSTSQR.  The  top  of   the  file  contains  the  
    following information:
       (1) the number of travel time picks used and the number of 
         model parameters  for  which  partial derivatives  were  
       (2)  for  each  model   parameter  involved,  an   integer  
         identifying the type of model parameter (1 for boundary 
         or 2  for velocity),  the  current value  of  the model  
         parameter, and the  estimated uncertainty of  the model  
       (3) the  partial derivatives,  travel  time residuals  and 
         corresponding uncertainties in matrix form
       (4) the number of travel time picks used
       (5) the RMS travel time residual
       (6) the normalized chi-squared

Output file: p.out  contains all plot  commands for the  run used  
    for input by the program RAYPLOT.

Output file: n.out contains the namelist parameter values.

Ingo Pecher
Sat Mar 7 19:13:54 EST 1998