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Plotting parameters (PLTPAR namelist):

Switches (usually 0 = off, 1 = on):

iroute - equals 1 to plot to the screen, 2 to create a postscript 
   file, 3 to create a plot file for the VERSATEC plotter, or 4
   to create a colour postscript file; if iroute does not equal 1 
   there is no plotting to the screen  (default: 1)

iseg - create a Uniras segment(s) (default: 0)

iplot - generate the plot  during the run (1), or  write all plot 
   commands to the file p.out (0), or do both (2) (default: 1)

imod - plot model boundaries (default: 1)

ibnd - plot vertical model boundaries (default: 1)

idash - plot model boundaries as dashed lines (default: 1)

ivel - plot the P-wave (1) or  S-wave (-1) velocity values (km/s) 
   within each trapezoid of the model (default: 0)

iray - plot  all rays traced  (1) or  only those which  reach the  
   surface (or reflect off the floating reflector for ray groups for 
   which frbnd>0) (2); rays traced in the search mode are not 
   plotted unless irays=1 (see below) (default: 1)

irays - plot the rays traced in the search mode (default: 0)

irayps - plot  the P-wave  segments of  ray paths as  solid lines  
   and the S-wave segments as dashed lines (default: 0)

idot - plot a symbol at each point (step length) defining each ray 
   path (default: 0)

itx -  plot the calculated travel time-distance  values   as lines 
   (1), symbols of height symht (2),  symbols of height symht 
   interpolated  at  the  observed receiver locations contained in
   the  file (invr=1 must be used, if not, itx=2 is used) (3); 
   or as residuals measured from the oberved data in (invr=1
   must be used) (4); no calculated travel times are plotted if itx=0 
   (default: 1)

itxbox - plot only those calculated and observed travel times that
   have distances between xmint and xmaxt and times between tmin
   and tmax (default: 0)

idata - plot the  observed travel time  picks from the  file 
   (1 or -1), or plot only those picks used in the inversion if invr=1 
   (2 or -2); the observed data are represented by vertical bars with 
   a height of twice the corresponding uncertainty specified in the 
   file if idata>0, or by symbols of height symht if idata<0
   (default: 0)

isep - plot the model and rays and travel times in the same plot 
   frame (0), separate plot frames (1), plot the model and rays and
   travel times in a separate plot frame for each shot (2), or plot
   the model and rays in separate plot frames for each shot followed
   by the travel times in separate plot frames for each shot (3)
   (default: 0)
   Note: the value of isep may be changed during a program run with
         entry from the keyboard of the values 0, 1, 2 or 3 between
         plot frames when a <CR> is needed to continue; entering "s"
         will terminate the program run

ibreak - an array corresponding  to the ray groups  listed in the 
   array ray to split travel  time-distance curves into prograde  
   and retrograde segments when plotting with itx=1, and to increment 
   the integer code by one in the file tx.out when changing from  a 
   prograde to retrograde segment or  vice versa if itxout=1
   (default: 1)

iszero - plot the calculated and observed  travel times as if all 
   shot points were at 0 km and  the rays travelled left to right  
   (default: 0)

itxout - write the  calculated travel time-distance  pairs to the  
   file tx.out;  the  integer  code  identifying  each  pick  is  
   determined by the array ibreak if itxout=1 or the array ivray  
   if itxout=2 or 3; if itxout=3, the calculated travel times are
   interpolated to the observed receiver locations (invr=1 must be
   used if itxout=3, if not, itxout=2 is used) (default: 0)
   Note: there appears to be a bug with itxout, itx=itxout may be
         necessary for correct results

idump  -   write  detailed   velocity  model   and   ray  tracing   
   information to  the file  r2.out  and the  namelist parameter  
   values to the file n.out; mainly for debugging (default: 0)
   Note: using idump=1 will greatly slow down the run time
isum -  write  a short  summary  about the  rays  traced  and the 
   velocity model to the screen (1), also write the travel time 
   residuals and chi-squared values for each phase and shot to the  
   file r1.out (2), and to the screen (3) (must use invr=1 for 
   isum>1) (default: 1)

istep - pause after each ray is plotted writing its take-off angle
        to the screen and waiting until a <CR> is entered before
        plotting the next ray; this is mainly intended to be used in
        conjunction with irays=1 to determine the cause of the 
        failure of the search mode for a particular ray group; 
        entering "s" after any ray will terminate the program run 
        (default: 0)

Other plotting parameters:

symht - height of symbols (mm)  used when plotting each point 
   defining a  ray path,  single  point travel  time  curves (if  
   symht=0, single point travel time curves will not be plotted), 
   the calculated travel times if itx=2, or the observed travel
   times if idata<0 (default: 0.5)

velht - the maximum  height of the velocity  values (mm) when  
   ivel=1 or -1 is equal to velht*albht (default: 0.7)

nskip - the first nskip points  (step lengths) of all ray paths  are 
   not plotted (default: 0)

nrskip - plot every nrskip ray traced (default: 1)

npskip - plot every npskip point of each ray traced (default: 1)

vred -  reducing  velocity  (km/s) of travel time-distance  plot;  
   observed data in the file is assumed to be unreduced (a 
   value  of zero is  permitted for no  reduction; vred must be less 
   than 10) (default: 8)

xwndow, ywndow - the horizontal and vertical size of the graphics
   window (mm) that will over-ride a window size specified in an 
   "mx11.opt" or ".Xdefaults" file; the maximum allowable values 
   (to use the entire screen) are 350 and 265 mm, respectively  
   (defaults: if xwndow or ywndow is less than or equal to zero, 
   the size of the window specified in the "mx11.opt" or ".Xdefaults" 
   file is used)
   Note: the effect of these parameters will depend on the local 
         graphics system and machine type

dvmax, dsmax - a  warning message is written  to the screen and  the 
   to file r1.out indicating the  layers in which the  magnitude of 
   the velocity gradient vector is greater than dvmax (km/s/km) and the 
   layer boundaries having a change in slope across three successive 
   points of greater than dsmax (degrees)  (defaults: infinite, infinite)

ibcol, ifcol - background and foreground colours (defaults: 0, 1)

mcol - an array specifying the colours of the model: the layer 
   boundaries are mcol(1), the vertical boundaries are mcol(2),
   the floating reflectors are mcol(3), the smooth layer boundaries
   are mcol(4), and the velocity values are mcol(5) 
   (default: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

ircol - colour the ray paths according to the value of ivray for that
   particular ray group (1), according to the shot number (2), or
   according to the ray group (3) (default: 0)

itcol - colour the observed travel times according to the integer 
   code identifying each pick in the file (the 4th column) (1), 
   or according to the shot number (2); if itcol=3, the observed
   travel times are coloured as if itcol=1 and the calculated travel
   times are coloured according to ray group (invr=1 must be used)
   (default: 0)

title - title for plot (up to 80 characters long) positioned using 
   xtitle and ytitle (default: none)

xtitle, ytitle - x and y position (mm) of the plot title (default: 0, 0)

colour - an array specifying the colours of the ray paths if ircol>0
   and the observed travel times if itcol>0 
   (default: 2,3,4,5,6,8,17,27,22,7)

Ingo Pecher
Sat Mar 7 19:13:54 EST 1998