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Data from Stratigraphic Test Holes Drilled at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, 1994–2001, and Periodic Water Levels, 2000–2003

Open-File Report 2004–1434
By Beth M. Wrege and Philip S. Jen


Map showing location of Strat-9 test hole

Lithologic log for Strat-9 test hole

Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-9 test hole

Generalized map of MCAS showing location of Strat-9 well
Figure 38. Location of Strat-9 test hole at U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Table 22. Lithologic log for Strat-9 test hole, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
[mm, millimeter; ft, feet; cm, centimeter; >, greater than]
Depth below land surface (in feet) Description (compiled by C.C. Daniel, III, and B.M. Wrege)
0.0 – 1.0 Soil zone, roots 10YR2/2.
1.0 – 2.4 Coarse, poorly sorted SAND, silty-clayey matrix. Dark yellowish orange 10YR6/6.
2.4 – 3.5 Lost, sand?
3.5 – 5.0 Silty sand and SAND. Silty, fine sand
5.0 – 6.5 Lost, sand?
6.5 – 7.7 Fine to very fine sand, light gray.
7.7 – 15.5 CLAY, silty, sandy clay, mottled color ranges from gray to orange-tan, greenish-gray.
15.5 – 17.5 SAND, coarse, poorly sorted with gravel, some elongated pebbles to 8 mm.
17.5 – 31.2 Fine SAND with interbedded silty zones and thin, sandy clays, fining downward.
17.7–20.0, no sample.
22.0–23.5, no sample.
25.6–27.0, no sample.
30.2–31.0, no sample.
31.2 – 45.0 Fine, coarse, and very coarse SAND with scattered quartz pebbles, some elongated, well rounded, up to 9 mm in dimension.
45.0 – 46.3 Amount of gravel, very coarse SAND increases, sediment is brown to orange and appears oxidized, sharp contact at 46.3 ft with limonite zone about 1 cm thick at contact.
46.3 – 60.0 Silty, sandy shell hash with some intact shells, medium gray to very light gray N6 – N8. Matrix is, in part, calcareous.
60.0 – 65.0 Greenish-gray, silty with some clay, a few shell fragments.
65.0 – 66.0 SAND, medium to fine, moderately well sorted, medium light gray, N6.
66.0 – 67.0 Silty CLAY, clay lenses, light olive-gray, 5Y5/2.
67.0 –67.3 Cemented sand/sandstone.
67.3 – 69.8 Very fine, fine SAND, yellowish-gray, 5Y4/2.
69.8 – 70.0 Cemented sand/sandstone.
70.0 – 75.3 Silty, clayey fine SAND, moderately olive-gray, 5Y4/2.
75.3 – 86.4 A few widely scattered shell fragments. Color becomes lighter below 75 – 75.3 ft, gradational change. Very fine, silty, clayey SAND; silt and clay 30–40% (est.), yellowish-gray, 5Y7/2.
86.4 – 90.5 Color darkens, light olive-gray, 5Y5/2. 86.4, silty, sandy CLAY; clay and silt >50% (est.).
90.5 – 91.4 Transition zone. Fine silt to clay, greenish olive-green, 5GY43/2 moderate sorting.
91.4 – 138.0 Shell hash, gray, fragment size well sorted from 1/16-inch to >2-inch pieces of high angular calcite crystal matrix.
105.0, shell and coral size increasing to >1 inch.
110.0, increase in % fine matrix, decrease in shell fragments.
111.0, shells (gastropods and bivalves, highly phosphatized increase in oysters and clay, deep green-black lagoonal fines.
117.0, gravel, phosphated to coarse sand, greenish-gray (5GY6/1, wet). Poorly graded, some angular pebbles (5%), some subrounded frosted quartz pebbles (5%), some ½-inch phosphatic polished, flat, wood fragments.
125.0, increasing sand, darker gray, less shell hash (5GY6/1), increased sandy matrix.
132.0, gravel in sandy matrix, greenish-gray (5GY6/1).
138.0 – 145.0 Lagoonal deposit, very large oyster shells; shell limited by size of core barrel (up to 4 inches), blackish-green clay matrix 5GY3/2 (wet), very poorly sorted.
145.0 – 161.0 Oyster bed in green-gray sandy matrix with continuing phosphates. Very large oyster fragments.
161.0 – 170.0 LIMESTONE, unconsolidated, 0.1–0.4 shell fragments, sandy, light gray.
170.0 – 175.0 LIMESTONE, consolidated zone.
175.0 – 205.0 LIMESTONE, moldic moderately consolidated to well consolidated. Very high porosity, very high transmissivity.
180–186, yellow calcite crystals inside of bivalve mold; small, well-formed, angular crystals.
190–197, limestone, unconsolidated, moldic vuggy, shell molds ranging from 0.2 to 1.4 inches, pelecypod ridges are sharp and subangular.
205.0 – 220.0 SAND, uniform, well sorted, 80%, small percent subrounded limestone and shell fragments. Sand, uniform, medium fine, small percent very fine.

generalized lithology with selected borehole geophysical logs for Strat-9 well
Figure 39. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-9 test hole, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.

Abstract || Introduction || Methods || Test Hole Descriptions || Seismic Data || Marine Seismic Data || Land Seismic Data || Summary || References || Appendix

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