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Open-File Report 2005–1037: Appendix

Magnetotelluiric Data Plots

There are nine separate plots for each station:

  1. Apparent Resistivity for the rotated maximum (x symbol) and minimum (o symbol) modes
  2. Impedance Phase for the rotated maximum (x symbol) and minimum (o symbol) modes
  3. Rotation Angle for the impedance tensor (corresponds to the direction of maximum apparent resistivity)
  4. Impedance Skew for the impedance tensor
  5. Multiple Coherency for the rotated maximum (x symbol) and minimum (o symbol) modes of the electric field
  6. Impedance Polar Plots (at 12 selected frequencies)
  7. Tipper Magnitude for the vertical magnetic field
  8. Tipper Strike for the vertical magnetic field
  9. HzHx (x symbol) and HzHy (o symbol) Coherency

Refer to the “Magnetotelluric Data” section in this report for an explanation of these plots.


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