Please read this document first before viewing the contents of this CD-ROM. Introduction ---------------------------------- This compact disc (CD) contains the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2005-1041, titled "Geodatabase of Environmental Information for Air Force Plant 4 and Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base Carswell Field, Fort Worth, Texas, 1990-2004" by Sachin D. Shah and Sean M. Quigley. The database on this CD was developed, as part of a cooperative effort between the USGS and the U.S. Air Force, Aeronautical Systems Center, Environmental Management Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (ASC/ENVR) to provide interested parties and the general public with a verified source of data regarding geologic, hydrologic, water-quality, and well construction data collected during 1990-2004. Collection of information was limited to digital data from the USGS, ASC/ENVR, Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE), and various consultants. Disc Information ---------------------------------- The overall layout of the CD is as follows: \OFR_readme.txt this file \Project Summary.doc Rich Text Format document of the summary of the purpose and scope, study area description, and geodatabase description for this project. \Project Summary.pdf Adobe Acrobat document of the summary of the purpose and scope, study area description, and geodatabase description for this project. \EBS_data_dictionary.doc Microsoft Word document of the environmental baseline data dictionary provided as a hyperlink for various attributes described in this report. \EBS_data_dictionary.pdf Adobe Acrobat document of the environmental baseline data dictionary provided as a hyperlink for various attributes described in this report. \ERPIMS_data_dictionary.doc Microsoft Word document of the Environmental Resources Program Information Management System (ERPIMS) data dictionary for various attributes described in this report. These attributes are defined in the metadata folder. \ERPIMS_data_dictionary.pdf Adobe Acrobat document of the Environmental Resources Program Information Management System (ERPIMS) data dictionary for various attributes described in this report. These attributes are defined in the metadata folder. \spatial_data geodatabase afp04_nas_gdb.mdb - ESRI ArcGIS 8.3 geodatabase of Air Force Plant 4 and Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base (AFP4 and NAS-JRB) environmental data. \database afp04_nas.mdb - Microsoft Access 2000 database of Air Force Plant 4 and Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base (AFP4 and NAS-JRB) environmental data. \FGDC Datasets in this directory are non-proprietary alternatives to the geodatabase and Microsoft Access 2000 database. The geodatabase point, line, and polygon feature class are provided as a shapefile. A shapefile is a digital vector (non-topological) format for storing geometric location and attribute information. The shapefile format is created by ESRI ArcGIS and can be used by ArcGIS and other widely used GIS software. Additionally, all database tables are provided as comma-delimited ASCII text files, and are no different in attribute content than the database tables. \shapefile aoc.dbf - Table of areas of concern (component of shapefile) aoc.prj - component of shapefile aoc.sbn - component of shapefile aoc.sbx - component of shapefile aoc.shp - component of shapefile aoc.shx - component of shapefile ast.dbf - Table of above ground storage tanks (component of shapefile) ast.prj - component of shapefile ast.sbn - component of shapefile ast.sbx - component of shapefile ast.shp - component of shapefile ast.shx - component of shapefile buildings.dbf - Table of buildings (component of shapefile) buildings.prj - component of shapefile buildings.sbn - component of shapefile buildings.sbx - component of shapefile buildings.shp - component of shapefile buildings.shx - component of shapefile drainage.dbf - Table of drainage information (component of shapefile) drainage.prj - component of shapefile drainage.sbn - component of shapefile drainage.sbx - component of shapefile drainage.shp - component of shapefile drainage.shx - component of shapefile fences.dbf - Table of fence information (component of shapefile) fences.prj - component of shapefile fences.sbn - component of shapefile fences.sbx - component of shapefile fences.shp - component of shapefile fences.shx - component of shapefile haz_waste.dbf - Table of hazardous waste site information (component of shapefile) haz_waste.prj - component of shapefile haz_waste.sbn - component of shapefile haz_waste.sbx - component of shapefile haz_waste.shp - component of shapefile haz_waste.shx - component of shapefile lf1.dbf - Table of Landfill 1 (component of shapefile) lf1.prj - component of shapefile lf1.sbn - component of shapefile lf1.sbx - component of shapefile lf1.shp - component of shapefile lf1.shx - component of shapefile lf3.dbf - Table of Landfill 3 (component of shapefile) lf3.prj - component of shapefile lf3.sbn - component of shapefile lf3.sbx - component of shapefile lf3.shp - component of shapefile lf3.shx - component of shapefile mrc.dbf - Table of Meandering Road Creek (component of shapefile) mrc.prj - component of shapefile mrc.sbn - component of shapefile mrc.sbx - component of shapefile mrc.shp - component of shapefile mrc.shx - component of shapefile outfalls.dbf - Table of outfall information (component of shapefile) outfall.prj - component of shapefile outfall.sbn - component of shapefile outfall.sbx - component of shapefile outfall.shp - component of shapefile outfall.shx - component of shapefile prb.dbf - Table of permeable reactive barrier (component of shapefile) prb.prj - component of shapefile prb.sbn - component of shapefile prb.sbx - component of shapefile prb.shp - component of shapefile prb.shx - component of shapefile rivers.dbf - Table of rivers (component of shapefile) rivers.prj - component of shapefile rivers.sbn - component of shapefile rivers.sbx - component of shapefile rivers.shp - component of shapefile rivers.shx - component of shapefile roads.dbf - Table of roads (component of shapefile) roads.prj - component of shapefile roads.sbn - component of shapefile roads.sbx - component of shapefile roads.shp - component of shapefile roads.shx - component of shapefile runway.dbf - Table of the runway (component of shapefile) runway.prj - component of shapefile runway.sbn - component of shapefile runway.sbx - component of shapefile runway.shp - component of shapefile runway.shx - component of shapefile sites.dbf - Table of site information (component of shapefile) sites.prj - component of shapefile sites.sbn - component of shapefile sites.sbx - component of shapefile sites.shp - component of shapefile sites.shx - component of shapefile swmu.dbf - Table of solid waste management units (component of shapefile) swmu.prj - component of shapefile swmu.sbn - component of shapefile swmu.sbx - component of shapefile swmu.shp - component of shapefile swmu.shx - component of shapefile \ASCII_text Microsoft Windows encoded cis_dichloroethene.txt - ASCII text file of cis-dichloroethene concentrations hydro_parameters.txt - ASCII text file of measured hydrologic parameters lithology.txt - ASCII text file of lithologic information screens.txt - ASCII text file of screen information sites.txt - ASCII text file of site information tetrachloroethene.txt - ASCII text file of perchloroethene concentrations trans_dichloroethene.txt - ASCII text file of trans-dichloroethene concentrations trichloroethene.txt - ASCII text file of trichloroethene concentrations vinyl_chloride.txt - ASCII text file of vinyl chloride concentrations water_levels.txt - ASCII text file of the water-level history well_construction.txt - ASCII text file of the well-construction information \metadata All data users and browsers should refer to the metadata for explanation of codes, process steps, and other necessary information regarding the creation and appropriate use of the database. Data from this report should never be shared without the metadata. Metadata is provided in HTML format. aoc.htm - Metadata for areas of concern geodatabase feature class ast.htm - Metadata for above ground storage tank geodatabase feature class buildings.htm - Metadata for buildings geodatabase feature class cis_dichloroethene.htm - Metadata for the cis-dichloroethene geodatabase table drainage.htm - Metadata for drainage bodies geodatabase feature class fences.htm - Metadata for fences geodatabase feature class haz_waste.htm - Metadata for hazardous waste sites geodatabase feature class hydro_parameters.htm - Metadata for the measured hydrologic parameters geodatabase feature class landfill1.htm - Metadata for landfill 1 geodatabase feature class landfill3.htm - Metadata for landfill 3 geodatabase feature class lithology.htm - Metadata for lithology geodatabase table mrc.htm - Metadata for Meandering Road Creek geodatabase feature class outfalls.htm - Metadata for outfalls geodatabase feature class prb.htm - Metadata for permeable reactive barrier geodatabase feature class rivers.htm - Metadata for rivers geodatabase feature class roads.htm - Metadata for roads geodatabase feature class runway.htm - Metadata for runway geodatabase feature class screens.htm - Metadata for screens geodatabase table sites.htm - Metadata for site location table and geodatabase feature class swmu.htm - Metadata for solid waste management unit geodatabase feature class tetrachloroethene.htm - Metadata for the tetrachloroethene geodatabase table trans_dichloroethene.htm - Metadata for the trans-dichloroethene geodatabase table trichloroethene - Metadata for the trichloroethene geodatabase table vinyl_chloride.htm - Metadata for vinyl chloride geodatabase table water_level.htm - Metadata for the water levels geodatabase table well_construction.htm - Metadata for the well construction geodatabase table Spatial reference information ---------------------------------- Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition: Geographic: Latitude_Resolution: 0.000000 Longitude_Resolution: 0.000000 Geographic_Coordinate_Units: Decimal degrees Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257222 Definitions ---------------------------------- cis-dichloroethene - Biodegradation product of trichloroethene that contains the cis-isomer that has both chloride ions on the same side of the carbon-carbon double bond. hydrologic parameters - Parameters calculated to determine the hydraulic characteristics of an aquifer. These parameters include hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and storativity. Screen - A tubular device with either slots, holes, gauze, or continuous-wire wrap; used at the end of a well casing to complete a well. The water enters the well through the well screen. tetrachloroethene - Chlorinated organic solvent used in common industrial compounds; it is a biodegradation product of trichloroethene. trans-dichloroethene - Biodegradation product of trichloroethene that contains the trans-isomer that has chloride ions on opposite sides of of the carbon-carbon double bond. trichloroethene - Chlorinated organic solvent used in common industrial compounds. vinyl Chloride - Chlorinated ethene that occurs as a biodegradation product in the chlorinated ethene series, but is also used as a raw material for polyvinyl chloride and in other manufactured compounds. Water Level - Elevation of ground water (NAVD 88) within an aquifer Site Locations ---------------------------------- Site names are provided in the site information table. The name in the site information table is interpreted to be a documented and (or) used name for the sites(s). All site names were imported from digital and hard-copy data sources. Acronyms ---------------------------------- AFCEE - U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence ASC/ENVR - Aeronautical Systems Center, Environmental Management Directorate DEM - digital elevation model raster graphic ESRI - Environmental Systems Research Institute GIS - geographic information system NAVD 88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 USGS - U.S. Geological Survey Acknowledgments ---------------------------------- The authors thank George Walters, Restoration Program Manager, ASC/ENVR, for the development of the project and for his guidance and assistance during its course. The authors also thank Earth Tech; HydroGeoLogic, Inc.; Shaw Environmental and Infrastructure, Inc.; and Ellis Environmental Group, L.C. for providing logistical support and historical well and water-quality data. The authors thank C. Amanda Garcia, USGS, for her assistance with the creation of the database. Disclaimer information ---------------------------------- This CD was prepared by an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this report or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. Although all data and software published on this CD have been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS, as to the accuracy of the data and related materials and (or)the functioning of the software. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and the USGS in the use of these data, software, or related materials assumes no responsibility. For additional information, contact: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey 8027 Exchange Drive Austin, Texas 78754-4733 E-mail: