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Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of National Park of American Samoa to Sea-Level Rise
USGS Open-File Report 2005-1055

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Figure 3. Shoreline grid for National Park of American Samoa. Each cell is approximately 500 meters of shoreline and represents a shoreline segment for which each variable is defined.

Figure 3.  Shoreline grid for National Park of American Samoa. Each cell is approximately 500 meters of shoreline and represents a shoreline segment for which each variable is defined. Figure 3.   Shoreline grid for National Park of American Samoa. Each cell is approximately 500 meters of shoreline and represents a shoreline segment for which each variable is defined. Figure 3.  Shoreline grid for National Park of American Samoa. Each cell is approximately 500 meters of shoreline and represents a shoreline segment for which each variable is defined.

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