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Open-File Report 2005–1063
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In cooperation with the Washington Department of Transportation, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, and Shannon and Wilson, Inc.

Hydrologic Monitoring of Landslide-Prone Coastal Bluffs near Edmonds and Everett, Washington, 2001–2004

By Rex L. Baum, Jonathan P. McKenna, Jonathan W. Godt, Edwin L. Harp, and Steven R. McMullen (Shannon and Wilson, Inc.)

thumbnail image of figure 1 (map location of Washington)

In 2001, a cooperative monitoring effort between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF), BNSF's geotechnical consultant, Shannon and Wilson, Inc., and the Washington Department of Transportation was begun to determine whether near-real-time monitoring of rainfall and shallow subsurface hydrologic conditions could be used to anticipate landslide activity on the bluffs. Monitoring currently occurs at two sites-one near Edmonds, Washington, and the other near Everett, Washington. During initial planning, the USGS proposed to evaluate the monitoring results at the end of 3 years. This report summarizes site conditions, methods, system reliability, data, and scientific results, and identifies possible future directions for development of monitoring and early warning of impending landslide activity.

Version 1.0

Posted March 2005

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