U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1074, 31 pages (Published July 2005) ONLINE ONLY
This science plan describes how the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Georgia District in the next several years will fulfill its mission and focus its efforts to enhance the quality of science provided to local and State governments, other Federal agencies, and the public of Georgia. The plan is based on the goals and mission of the USGS (included in Appendix A), the USGS Eastern Region Science Plan (a summary is included in Appendix B), dated January 2004, and on our evaluation of the particular water-resource issues and problems facing the State of Georgia. The senior technical staff of the Georgia District—including the Senior District Scientist; Assistant District Chief, Hydrologic Monitoring and Analysis; Chief, National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Study Unit; Reports Specialist; Technical Specialists; Research Grade Evaluation Guide staff members; and District Chief —developed this science plan. This is the 3rd edition of Georgia District Science Plan, which was originally developed in 1999 and updated in 2002. The plan includes feedback from cooperators and USGS senior staff who attended a strategic review of district programs in June 2004.
Physical Setting
Water Availability and Competing Demands
Water-Resources Development in Coastal Georgia
Hydrologic Hazards
Water-Quality Impacts from Urban and Agricultural Non-Point Sources
Water Resources Effects Associated with Federal Lands and Interests in Georgia
Regional/National/International Science Activities of the Georgia District
Science Communication
Appendix A: Vision, Mission, and Strategic Direction of the U.S. Geological Survey
Appendix B: Eastern Region Science Plan, January 2004 Management Principles
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