MMI ShakeMap of California for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake inferred from Lawson (1908) by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)
MMI contour map of California for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by Stover and Coffman (1993)
MMI ShakeMap of California for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake predicted from Boore et al. (1997) regressions by Working Group 2002
Animated comparison of ShakeMaps inferred from Lawson (1908) by Boatwright and Bundock (2005) and predicted by Working Group 2002
MMI ShakeMap of the North Coast for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)
MMI ShakeMap of the Bay Area for the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake determined from seismic recordings
MMI ShakeMap of the Bay Area for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)
Animated comparison of ShakeMaps for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
MMI ShakeMap of the Central Coast for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)
Intensity sites for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake located in California, Nevada, and Oregon by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)
MMI ShakeMap of the North Bay for the 1906 San Francisco earthquake by Boatwright and Bundock (2005)