Open-File Report 2005-1150ONLINE ONLY
In cooperation with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
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Surface-water and water-quality data were collected to use in development of upper Red River of the North Basin Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). This report presents the data that were collected.
During September 2001 through September 2003, data were collected at 13 selected gaging stations in the upper Red River of the North Basin. Continuous streamflow data were collected at three of the gaging stations. Water-quality samples were collected at all 13 gaging stations; and, simultaneous with sample collection, in-stream specific conductance, pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity were measured. Samples were analyzed for selected nutrients, selected bacteria, chlorophyll a, and suspended sediment.
Continuous in-stream water-quality monitors were installed at two gaging stations to measure specific conductance, pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity.
Data collection
Surface-water and water-quality data collected at selected gaging stations in the upper Red River of the North Basin in Minnesota, September 2001 through September 2003.
05046000 Otter Tail River below Orwell Dam near Fergus Falls, MN
1205046270 Otter Tail River near Everdell, MN
1505046450 Otter Tail River above Breckenridge, MN
2005046502 Otter Tail River at 11th Street in Breckenridge, MN
2505047010 Mustinka River below Norcross, MN
3205049000 Mustinka River above Wheaton, MN
3505050700 Rabbit River near Nashua, MN
5605051000 Rabbit River at Campbell, MN
5805051200 Rabbit River near Campbell, MN
6005051515 Whiskey Creek below Brushvale, MN
6205051520 Whiskey Creek near Kent, MN
6305051521 Whiskey Creek at Kent, MN
Map showing location of sampling sites and 2004 impaired reaches in the upper Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota.
Selected gaging stations in the upper Red River of the North Basin, Minnesota.
Constituents for which samples were analyzed and analysis source.
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