In cooperation with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

The New Hampshire Watershed Tool: A Geographic Information System Tool to Estimate Streamflow Statistics and Ground-Water-Recharge Rates


By Scott A. Olson, Robert H. Flynn, Craig M. Johnston, and Gary D. Tasker


U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1172




The PDF for the report is 3,969 kb




Estimates of low-flow statistics, flow durations, and ground-water-recharge rates are needed to assist water-resource managers in assessing surface-water resources and ground-water availability. Often these estimates are required at ungaged sites where no observed streamflow data are available for analysis. Regression equations for estimating low-flow statistics and flow durations, and for estimating ground-water-recharge rates at ungaged sites have been developed for New Hampshire. However, use of these equations requires numerous input parameters, such as basin and climatic characteristics. This report describes a customized geographic information system (GIS) application, the New Hampshire Watershed Tool, that automates the measurement of the characteristics used for input to the regression equations and calculates the corresponding flow statistics and ground-water-recharge rates.




Purpose and Scope

Estimating Flow-Frequency Characteristics of Ungaged, Unregulated, Rural
New Hampshire Streams

Regression Equations

Using the Flow-Frequency Regression Equations

Estimating Ground-Water-Recharge Rates of Drainage Basins in New Hampshire

Regression Equations

Using the Ground-Water-Recharge Rate Regression Equations

New Hampshire Watershed Tool

System Requirements

Data Requirements

Installation of the New Hampshire Watershed Tool

Using the New Hampshire Watershed Tool

Additional Utilities of New Hampshire Watershed Tool


Selected References


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For more information concerning the research in this report, contact:

Brian Mrazik, Director
NH-VT Water Science Center
361 Commerce Way
Pembroke, NH 03275

Web site:
Phone: (603) 226-7807


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