This map documents movement of the Scenic Drive landslide in La Honda, California during the early part of 2005. Land sliding in the Scenic Drive area previously occurred during the El Niño year of 1998. In late February and early March of 2005, cracks developed in Scenic Drive at the location of the 1998 landslide head scarp and the road was subsequently offset. In late March, the landslide enlarged substantially to the south and west. This map provides a snapshot of the landslide features in mid-April, 2005 and its displacement from March 31 through May 7, 2005. |
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USGS Open-File Report 98-229 Scenic Drive Landslide of January-March 1998, La Honda, San Mateo County, California, by Angela S. Jayko, Michael J. Rymer, Carol S. Prentice, Ray C. Wilson, and Ray E. Wells (1998)
USGS Open-File Report 2006-1397 Map showing Features and Displacements of the Scenic Drive Landslide, La Honda, California, During the Period March 31, 2005-November 5, 2006, by Ray E. Wells, Michael J. Rymer, Carol S. Prentice, and Karen L. Wheeler (2006)
For questions about the content of this report, contact Ray Wells.
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