This report summarizes the results of ostracode faunal analyses of two cores, 96-1 and 96-2, located in depth of 50 and 40 m, respectively, from Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho. The lower third of core 96-2 is composed of reddish carbonate-poor fine-grained sediment. This siliciclastic material is overlain by gray carbonate-rich mud (Dean and others, 2005). The deposition rate at the site of core 96-1 was higher than at the site of core 96-2 (Colman and others, 2005), and all of the section sampled by core 96-1 corresponds roughly to the upper half of the carbonate-rich sediments in core 96-2. This report primarily describes the ostracode data and secondarily discusses the stratigraphic structure of the ostracode species profiles. These data contribute to understanding the environmental history of Bear Lake (for example, Schwalb and others, 1995; Smith, 1993; Forester, 1987).
Version 1.0
Posted August 2005 |
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