U.S. Geological Survey

Open-File Report 2005-1230


Quality-Assurance Plan for the Analysis of Fluvial Sediment by the U.S. Geological Survey Kentucky Water Science Center Sediment Laboratory

By Elizabeth A. Shreve and Aimee C. Downs



This report describes laboratory procedures used by the U.S. Geological Survey Kentucky Water Science Center Sediment Laboratory for the processing and analysis of fluvial-sediment samples for concentration of sand and finer material. The report details the processing of a sediment sample through the laboratory from receiving the sediment sample, through the analytical process, to compiling results of the requested analysis. Procedures for preserving sample integrity, calibrating and maintaining of laboratory and field instruments and equipment, analyzing samples, internal quality assurance and quality control, and validity of the sediment-analysis results also are described. The report includes a list of references cited and a glossary of sediment and quality-assurance terms.

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Quality Assurance of Sample Management

U.S. Geological Survey Sediment Laboratory Analysis Request (SLAR) Form

Null Qualifiers

Sediment-Sample-Bottle Label

Sample Shipment and Storage

Quality Assurance of Laboratory Equipment and Computer Software



Quality Assurance

Conductivity Meter

Pipet-Method Equipment

Visual-Accumulation-Tube Equipment


Dry-Sieve Equipment

Decanting Equipment

Filtering Equipment

Computer Software

Quality Assurance of Laboratory Apparatus and Standard Solutions


Sample Bottles

Evaporating Dishes


Deionized Water

Specific-Conductance Standard Solutions

Quality Assurance of Analytical Procedures


Login of Samples for Concentration Analysis

Data Entry of Concentration Analyses

Quality-Control Measures for Data Entry of Concentrations

Analysis of Samples for Concentration

Supplies and Equipment

Filtration Method

Evaporation Method

Dissolved-Solids Correction Calculation

Quality-Control Measures

Sand/Fine Separations

Data Entry for Sand/Fine Analyses

Quality-Control Measures for Data Entry of Sand/Fine Analyses

Analysis of Samples for Sand/Fine Separation

Supplies and Equipment

Wet-Sieve Processing

Dissolved-Solids Correction Calculation

Quality-Control Measures

Login of Samples for Particle-Size Analysis

Computer Entry

Particle-Size Analysis

Dry-Sieve Method

Equipment Required


Quality-Control Measures

Visual-Accumulation-Tube Method

Equipment Required

Sample Preparation

Tube Selection

Reassemble Components

Placing Chart on Drum

Analysis Procedure

Completing the Analysis

Quality-Control Measures

Pipet Method

Equipment Required

Preparation for Analysis


Quality-Control Measures

Quality Assurance of Laboratory Procedures

Quality-Assurance Samples


Computer Procedures


Equipment Checks

Data Reviews


Data Management


References Cited


Shreve, E.A. and Downs, A.C., 2005, Quality-Assurance Plan for the Analysis of Fluvial Sediment by the U.S. Geological Survey Kentucky Water Science Center Sediment Laboratory: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1230, 28 p.

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