Map Symbol |
Age |
Description |
Qa |
Quaternary |
Quaternary alluvium, undivided; Clay, silt, sand, gravel,
and some caliche. Gravel
includes sedimentary and igneous rock clasts. |
Qal |
Holocene |
Clay, silt, sand (mostly quartz), gravel, and organic
matter. Gravel
along Rio Grande consists of Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary and igneous
rock clasts; also includes sidestream alluvial gravels consisting of Tertiary
rock clasts and chert derived from the Uvalde gravel. |
Qam |
Holocene |
Muddy floodplain alluvium; Floodplain deposits of the
lower Rio Grande; mostly mud. |
Qas |
Holocene |
Silty and sandy floodplain alluvium; Floodplain deposits
of the lower Rio Grande; mostly silt and sand. |
Qtf |
Holocene |
Tidal flat deposits; Sand, silt, mud, and shell. |
Qbi |
Holocene |
Barrier island deposits; Mostly fine-grained sand, but
also includes silt, sand, and shell; unit becomes more muddy landward.
in beach ridge, spit, tidal channel, tidal delta, washover fan, and sand
dune environments. |
Qsd |
Holocene |
Active dunes on mainland; Eolian deposits consisting
of mostly sand and silt forming banner and brachan dunes elongated in
northwest direction and developed on stablilized dune (Qds) surfaces. |
Qcd |
Holocene |
Clay dune and clay-sand dune deposits; Eolian deposits
consisting of calcareous clay, silt, and sand; mostly clay and silt in
coastal areas, and clay, silt, and sand inland. Dunes
are exposed mostly on downwind side of intermittenly wet basins. |
Qds |
Holocene |
Stabilized sand dunes; Eolian deposits consisting of
mostly sand with relict eolian grain. Exposed
in blowouts and small depressions. |
Qs |
Holocene |
Sand sheet deposits; Eolian deposits consisting mostly
of sand with little or no relict grain. |
Qcg |
Quaternary |
Quaternary conglomerate; clasts are mostly limestone
with some sandstone; minor calcium carbonate cement. |
Qeo |
Quaternary |
Eolian deposits consisting of a mixture of quartz sand
and shell fragments deposited mostly in sand dunes along the coast line.
Unit also
includes some clay dunes. |
Qla |
Quaternary |
Coastal Lacustrine deposits; Mixture of silt, mud, and
organic matter exposed along the coast in the Mexican Laguna Madre area.
Unit contains
shell fragments of oysters, bivalves, and gastropods; also some oolites,
dessication cracks, and halite crystals. Halite
is mined locally. |
Qli |
Quaternary |
Littoral deposits; Mixture of sand and shell fragments
(mainly bivalves and gastropods). Unit
exposed along coastline in beach and barrier bar depositional environments
and is the principal sediment source for eolian deposits. |
Qt |
Pleistocene |
Terrace deposits; Rio Grande river terraces consisting
of gravel, sand, silt, and clay; exposed on north side of Rio Grande from
Falcon Reservoir to Los Ebanos. |
Qb |
Pleistocene |
Beaumont Formation, undivided; Clay, silt, sand , and
gravel; stream channel, point bar, natural levee, and backswamp deposits. |
Qbf |
Pleistocene |
Beaumont Formation, floodplain deposits; Floodplain
deposits of the Beaumont Formation consisting of mud veneer over meanderbelt
sand. Little
or no relict grain; grass covered. |
Qbm |
Pleistocene |
Beaumont Formation, clay and mud; Mostly mud and clay
of Beaumont Formation deposited in meanderbelt, levee, crevasse splay,
and distributary channels. |
Ql |
Pleistocene |
Lissie Formation; Clay, silt, sand, gravel, and caliche. |
QTu |
Pleistocene and Pliocene |
Uvalde Gravel; Gravel consisting of well-rounded chert
clasts. About
6 m thick. |
Tc |
Pliocene |
Caliche; Massive and dense caliche and some sand and
gravel. Unit
generally lies disconformably on Tertiary bedrock units. |
Tpcg |
Pliocene |
Pliocene conglomerate; Massive conglomerate beds and
some lenses of fine-grained sandstone. Conglomerate has clasts of chert,
intrustive rocks, and limestone; matrix composed of sand and silt; cemented
with carbonate. |
Tgc |
Pliocene |
Goliad Formation with caliche |
Tg |
Pliocene |
Goliad Formation, undivided; Clay, sand, sandstone, marl,
caliche, limestone, and conglomerate. |
Tfo |
Miocene |
Flemming Formation and Oakville Sandstone, undivided;
Crossbedded sandstone and sandy shale; partly oolitic; some beds contain
abundant oysters and bivalves. Unit lies disconformably on Oligocene units,
and disconformably below Pliocene units. |
Tcv |
Miocene and Oligocene |
Catahoula, Frio, and Vicksburg Formations, undivided;
Mudstone, claystone, sandstone, tuff, and clay. |
Tsi |
Oligocene |
Intrustive rocks, syenite; Nepheline syenite; essential
minerals include orthoclase and oligoclase; accessory minerals include
quartz, apatite, and zircon. |
Tj |
Eocene |
Jackson Group; Mostly sandstone and lesser amounts of
clay. Unit is calcareous and contains fossil wood fragments, volcanic
ash beds, and limestone concretions. |
Ty |
Eocene |
Yegua Formation, Claiborne Group; Mostly clay and lesser
amounts of sandstone. Some beds are lignitic and bentonitic; some fossil
wood. Sandstone is partly glauconitic and ferruginous. |
Tjw |
Eocene |
Jackson Group, Claiborne Group, and Wilcox Group, undivided;
Alternating beds of shale and sandstone; sandstone is ferruginous and
glauconitic; carbonaceous sandy shale beds contain gastropods and pelecypods;
unit contains some volcanic material such as detrital mica. |
Tl |
Eocene |
Laredo Formation, Claiborne Group; Sandstone and clay.
Abundant marine fossils and common limestone concretions. |
Tmid |
Paleocene |
Midway Group, undivided; Claystone, sandstone, and
shale; some
bentonite and ferruginous and calcareous concretions. Sandstone
is locally glauconitic. Unit
has cone-in-cone structures, trace fossils, and contains some oysters
and turritella. Unit
from 0 to 1,250 m thick. |
Km |
Upper Cretaceous |
Mendez Shale; Fissle calcareous shale; hematite nodules;
locally includes some intraclastic micrite and calcareous sandstone beds
in lenses. Maximum
thickness greater than 1,300 m. |
Kae |
Upper Cretaceous |
Austin and Eagle Ford Formations, undivided; Interbedded
argillaceous limestone and calcareous shale; nodules and layers of iron
oxide; some horizons of bentonite and sandy limestone; Austin contains
some chert layers; basal and upper contacts of unit are transitional. |
Kwt |
Lower Cretaceous |
Washita Group, Kiamichi Formation, Aurora Limestone,
La Pena, Cupido, and Taraises Formations, undivided; Washita, Aurora,
and Cupido are mostly micrite with black chert and hematite in layers
and nodules. Kiamichi, La Pena, and Taraises are mostly argillaceous limestone
and calcareous, silty shale. |
Jlc |
Upper Jurassic |
La Casita Group; Limestone, sandy clay, and calcareous
shale; shale is laminated to fissile; sandstone is fine-grained and has
hematite and calcareous concretions cored by ammonites and pelecypods.
Lower contact
with Zuloaga Group is sharp; contact with overlying Taraises Formation
is transitional. About 300 m thick. |
Jz |
Upper Jurassic |
Zuloaga Group; Mostly limestone with scarce chert; limestone
is oolitic and contains sparse mollusk fragments. Unit
also includes some interbeds of anhydrite and gypsum. About
130 m thick. |
Jm |
Upper Jurassic |
Mina Viejas Formaton; Anhydrite and halite with interbeds
of limestone, shale, sandstone, and bentonite. Unit exposed in the core
of an anticline in deformed Cretaceous and Jurassic rocks on the west
edge of the map. Unit from 0 to 200 m thick. |