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Selected Ground-Water Data for Yucca Mountain Region, Southern Nevada and Eastern California, January-December 2003

By Richard J. La Camera, Glenn L. Locke, and Aron M. Habte

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Area
Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch Ground-Water Subbasin
Ash Meadows Ground-Water Subbasin
Data-Collection Sites
Ground-Water Levels
Electric Tape
Steel Tape
Pressure Sensor
Ground-Water Discharges
Ground-Water Withdrawals
Withdrawals from Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch Ground-Water Subbasin
Withdrawals from Ash Meadows Ground-Water Subbasin
Presentation of Ground-Water Data
Discussion of Ground-Water Levels and Ground-Water Withdrawals in Jackass Flats
References Cited
Basic Data


  1. Map showing location of data-collection sites in the Yucca Mountain region, southern Nevada and eastern California, 2003

2-5.Graphs showing periodic water levels for selected sites through 2003 at which primary contributing units are:

    1. Carbonate rock
    2. Volcanic rock
    3. Valley fill
    4. Undifferentiated sedimentary rock
  1. Graph showing daily average water levels in well JF-3, May 1992-December 2003 and in well AD-6, July 1992-December 2003

7-9.Graphs showing discharge at:

    1. Sites AM-1a (Fairbanks Spring), AM-5a (Crystal Pool), and AM-8 (Big Spring), 1910-2003
    2. Sites AM-2 (Five Springs Well) and DV-2 (Navel Spring), 1990-2003
    3. Site DV-1 (Texas Spring), 1989-2003
  1. Map showing location of ground-water withdrawal sites and general areas of ground-water withdrawals in the Yucca Mountain region of southern Nevada and eastern California, January-December 2003

11-12.Graphs showing available estimates of annual ground-water withdrawals for selected areas within:

    1. Alkali Flat-Furnace Creek Ranch ground-water subbasin, 1959-2003
    2. Ash Meadows ground-water subbasin, 1962-2003
  1. Graphs showing water-level altitudes in wells JF-1, JF-2, JF-2a, J-13, J-11, J-12, and JF-3, and estimated annual ground-water withdrawals from Jackass Flats, 1983-2003
  2. Graphs showing median water-level altitudes and average deviation of water levels for wells JF-1, JF-2, JF-2a, J-13, J-11, J-12, and JF-3, and estimated annual ground-water withdrawals from Jackass Flats, for 1992-93 baseline period and for 1994-2003


  1. Index to monitoring sites in Yucca Mountain region, 2003
  2. Well-completion data at monitoring sites in Yucca Mountain
  3. Electric-tape calibration data used to derive correction factors, 2003
  4. Summary of pressure-sensor calibrations and associated error at wells JF-3 and AD-6, 2003
  5. Periodic water-level data at monitoring sites in Yucca Mountain region, 2003
  6. Daily average water levels in well JF-3 for calendar year 2003
  7. Daily average water levels in well AD-6 for calendar year 2003
  8. Ground-water-discharge data at monitoring sites in Yucca Mountain region, 2003
  9. Estimated annual ground-water withdrawals from wells in Yucca Mountain region, 1959-2003
  10. Minimum, maximum, and median water-level altitudes, and average deviation of measurements, at selected wells in Jackass Flats for the baseline period 1992-93 and for calendar years 1994 through 2003

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