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Publications—Open-File Reports

In cooperation with the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission

Streamflow Statistics for the Dennys River at Dennysville, Maine, 1955-2004

Open File Report 2005-1297

By Robert W. Dudley


Long-term streamflow data in the Dennys River Basin have been collected at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamflow-gaging station number 01021200 on the mainstem of the Dennys River at Dennysville from October 1, 1955 through September 30, 1998, and from June 1, 2001 through the present (2005). Streamflow statistics of flow duration and annual, monthly, maximum, and minimum streamflows for the Dennys River were computed to help characterize the hydrology of the Dennys River for use in water management plans.

Streamflow in the Dennys River is regulated by Meddybemps Lake Dam, 14 miles upstream from the USGS station at Dennysville. From 1947 to 1973, outflows from Meddybemps Lake Dam were controlled for the purpose of hydro-electric power generation. The regulation of outflows from Meddybemps Lake to the Dennys River changed with the transfer of ownership of the Meddybemps Lake Dam to the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission (ASC) in 1973. The ASC regulates outflow from Meddybemps Lake to provide habitat for resident and migratory life stages of Atlantic salmon, particularly during low-streamflow periods. Streamflow data from 1955-1972 and 1973-2004 represent different hydrologic conditions in the river, particularly during summer months. Streamflow statistics for the Dennys River were computed for the entire period of record, 1955 to 2004, and because of the change in streamflow regulation at Meddybemps Lake Dam by the ASC in 1973, two other time periods were analyzed: 1955 to 1972, and 1973 to 2004.

Table of Contents



Purpose and Scope

Description of the Study Area

Streamflow Statistics for the Dennys River at Dennysville, Maine


References Cited

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