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Open-File Report (2005-1325)

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Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States

This Open-File Report represents one preliminary part of a larger planned series of integrated geologic databases that will ultimately be available for the entire United States.  This interim version is being released now in order to provide ready access to standardized geologic data for use in regional analyses and to meet product distribution goals.  The final compilation of these state databases will allow integration of the data that are found on state-scale geologic maps, presented in a uniform database structure.  This Open-File Report is similar to but will not be identical to the final version of these data.


U.S. index map showing contact person for each region. Frederic H. Wilson Stephen D. Ludington and Victor G. Mossotti Douglas B. Stoeser Suzanne W. Nicholson

Alaska and Hawaii - Frederic H. Wilson

Western Region - Stephen D. Ludington and Victor G. Mossotti

Central Region - Douglas B. Stoeser

Eastern Region - Suzanne W. Nicholson



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