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The following references discuss shoreline change pertaining to the states along the U.S. Southeast Atlantic Coast or methods for investigating shoreline change. They are all cited in our full report at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1401/.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Anders, F. J., Reed, D. W., and Meisburger, E. P., 1990, Shoreline movements Report 2, Tybee Island, Georgia to Cape Fear, North Carolina, 1851-1983: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Technical Report CERC 83-1, 147 pp.
- Anders, F. J., and Byrnes, M. R., 1991, Accuracy of shoreline change rates as determined from maps and aerial photographs: Shore and Beach, v. 59, p. 17-26.
- Barton, C. C., Dismukes, J. S., and Morton, R. A., 2003, Complexity analysis of the change in shoreline position at Duck, NC: Proceedings Coastal Sediments '03, 7 p.
- Blackwelder, B. W., MacIntyre, I. G., and Pilkey, O. H., 1982, Geology of continental shelf, Onslow Bay, North Carolina, as revealed by submarine outcrops: Bull. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, v. 66, p. 44-56.
- Brown, P. J., 1977, Variation in south Carolina coastal morphology, in Nummedal, D., ed., Beaches and barriers of the central South Carolina coast: Field trip guidebook for Coastal Sediments '77 meeting, Charleston S.C., p. 11-24.
- Chappell, J., Omura, A., Esat, T., McCulloch, M., Padolfi, J., Ota, Y., and Pillans, B., 1996, Reconciliation of late Quaternary sea levels derived from coral terraces at Huon Peninsula with deep sea oxygen isotope records: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 141, p. 227-236.
- Clark, R., 1986, The impact of Hurricane Elena and tropical storm Juan on coastal construction in Florida: Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, Report 85-3, 140 p.
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- Clark, R., 1992, Beach conditions in Florida: Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, Technical
Memorandum 89-1, 200 p.
- Clayton, T. D., Taylor, L. A. Jr., Cleary, W. J., Hosier, P. E., Graber, P. H. F., Neal, W. J., and Pilkey, O. H. Sr., 1992, Living with the Georgia shore: Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 188 p.
- Crowell, M., and Leatherman, S. P., eds., 1999, Coastal erosion mapping and management: Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 28, 196 p.
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- Crowell, M., Leatherman, S. P., and Buckley, M. K., 1991, Historical shoreline change; Error analysis and mapping accuracy: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 7, p. 839-852.
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- Davis, G. H., 1987, Land subsidence and sea level rise on the Atlantic coastal plain of the United States: Environmental Geology
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- Dean, R. G., Cheng, J., and Malakar, S. B., 1998, Characteristics of the shoreline change along the sandy beaches of the state of
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- Douglas, B. C., and Crowell, M., 2000, Long-term shoreline position prediction and error propagation: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 16, p. 145-152.
- Everts, C. H., Battley, J. P., Jr., and Gibson, P. N., 1983, Shoreline movements Report 1, Cape Henry, Virginia to Cape Hatteras,
North Carolina, 1849-1980: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Engineering Research Center, Technical Report CERC-83-1, 111 p.
- Fisher, J. J., 1962, Geomorphic expression of former inlets along the Outer Banks of North Carolina: unpublished MS thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 120 p.
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 2004, Hurricane Francis and Hurricane Jeanne: Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, Tallahassee, FL., 88 p.
- Gayes, P. T., Schwab, W. C, Driscoll, N. W., Morton, R. A., Baldwin, W. E., Denny, J. J., Wright, E. E., Harris, M. S., Katuna, M. P., and Putney, T. R., 2003, Sediment dispersal pathways and conceptual sediment budget for a sediment starved embayment: Long Bay, SC: Proceedings Coastal Sediments '03, 14 p.
- Gilbert, G. K., 1885, The topographic features of lake shores: U.S. Geological Survey 5th Annual Rept., p. 69-123.
- Gornitz, V., and Lebedeff, S., 1987, Global sea level changes during the last century, in Nummedal, D., Pilkey, O. H., and
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- Griffin, M. M., and Henry, V. J., 1984, Historical changes in the mean high water shoreline of Georgia: Georgia Geologic Survey
Bulletin 98, 96 p.
- Hayes, M. O., 1994, The Georgia Bight barrier system, in Davis, R. A., ed., Geology of Holocene Barrier Islands: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 233-304.
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- The Heinz Center, 2000, Evaluation of erosion hazards: The H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment,
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- Hicks, S. D., 1968, Long-period variations in secular sea level trends; Shore and Beach, v. 36, p. 32-36.
- Holdahl, S. R., and Morrison, N. L., 1974, Regional investigations of vertical crustal movements in the U.S. using precise relevelings and mareograph data: Tectonophysics, v. 23, p. 373-390.
- Hoyt, J. H., 1967, Barrier island formation: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 78. p. 1125-1135.
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- Krabill, W., Wright, C., Swift, R., Frederick, E., Manizade, S., Yungel, J., Martin, C., Sonntag, J., Duffy, M., Hulslander, W., and Brock, J., 2000. Airborne laser mapping of Assateague National Seashore Beach. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, v. 66, p. 65-71.
- Langley, S. K., Alexander, C. R., Bush, D. M., and Jackson, C. W., 2003, Modernizing shoreline change analysis in Georgia using
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- Pilkey, O. H., Jr., Sharma, D. C., Wanless, H. R., Doyle, L. J., Pilkey, O.H., Sr., Neal, W.J., and Gruver, B. L., 1984, Living with the East Florida shore: Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 222 p.
- Pilkey, O. H., Jr., Neal, W. J., Riggs, S. R., Webb, C. A., Bush, D. M., Pilkey, D. F., Bullock, J, and Cowan, B. A., 1998, The North Carolina shore and its barrier islands: Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 318 p.
- Redfield, A. C., 1958, The influence of the continental shelf on the tides of the Atlantic coast of the United States: Journal of
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- Stockdon, H. F., Sallenger, A. H., List, J. H., and Holman, R. A., 2002, Estimation of shoreline position and change from airborne topographic lidar data. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 18, p. 502-513.
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- Wiegel, R.L., 1992. Dade County, Florida, beach nourishment and hurricane surge protection project: Shore and Beach, v. 60, p. 2-26.
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