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Ground-Water Reconnaissance of the Bijou Creek Watershed, South Lake Tahoe, California, June–October 2003

By Kip K. Allander

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Background and Problem
Purpose and Scope
Study Area
Locating Sites
Water-Quality Samples
Data Summary
Site Selection
Field Parameters
Nutrient Concentrations
Time Series Data
Spatial Distribution
References Cited


  1. Map showing location of Bijou Creek watershed in South Lake Tahoe, California
  2. Map showing measured water levels in the Bijou Creek watershed
  3. Boxplots showing distributions of water temperature, pH, and specific conductance in samples from Bijou Creek watershed ground water during the summer of 2003 and in samples from the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program ground-water network during the summer of 2002
  4. Boxplots showing distributions of filtered ammonia (NH4), nitrate (NO3), organic nitrogen plus ammonia (DKN), orthophosphate (DOP), phosphorus (DP), and biologically-available iron (DFe) concentrations in samples from Bijou Creek watershed ground water during the summer of 2003 and in samples from the Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program ground-water network during the summer of 2002
  5. Time series plots of water temperature, pH, and specific conductance
  6. Time series plots of filtered ammonia (NH4), nitrate (NO3), and organic nitrogen plus ammonia (DKN) concentrations
  7. Time series plots of orthophosphate (DOP), phosphorus (DP), and biologically-available iron (DFe) concentrations
  8. Map showing field measured values in the Bijou Creek watershed, California, for water temperature, pH, and specific conductance
  9. Map showing nutrient concentrations in the Bijou Creek watershed measured during the summer of 2003, for ammonia, nitrate, organic nitrogen plus ammonia, orthophosphate, phosphorus, and biologically-available iron


  1. Selected characteristics and water levels of ground-water sites in Bijou Creek watershed, California, June–October 2003
  2. Selected characteristics of surface-water site in Bijou Creek watershed, California, June–October 2003
  3. Statistical summary of water-quality data for ground-water sites sampled in Bijou Creek watershed, California, June–October 2003 and for Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program ground-water network sampled during summer of 2002
  4. Water-quality data and summary statistics on depth stratified water-quality data for ground-water sites sampled in Bijou Creek watershed, California, June–October 2003
  5. Time series water-quality data and trend-test results for ground-water sites 19 and 21 in the Bijou Creek watershed, California
  6. Water-quality data for surface-water site sampled in Bijou Creek watershed, California, during summer of 2003

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