Data notes for: Fracture Trace Map and Single-well Aquifer Test Results in a Carbonate Aquifer in Jefferson County, West Virginia By Kurt J. McCoy, Melvin H. Podwysocki, E. Allen Crider, and David J. Weary, 2005 , U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1407 All data is projected to UTM Zone 18N, Datum NAD83, units meters A graphic file suitable for printing of the full map plate layout with description of map units, discussion, etc. is compressed in the file: This file is in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)format. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free, online at: The GIS layers are in the form of an ESRI personal geodatabase, with copies also provided as ESRI shapefiles. An ArcMap map file (jefferson_fractures.mxd) is provided that will portray the GIS data layers provided. This map was created in ArcGIS V.9.0. These data are compressed into the file: The extracted file structure is: /GIS_data/ /shapefiles/ (subdirectory containing shapefiles for the GIS vector data layers, see metadata files for explanation of data layers) jefferson_fractures.mdb (ESRI personal geodatabase containing GIS vector data) jefferson_fractures.mxd (ArcMap map document for displaying the GIS data from the jefferson_fractures.mdb) Metadata files for the the GIS layers are compressed into the file: the extracted file structure is: /metadata/ bedrock_metadata.txt (metadata for the bedrock GIS data layer) faults_metadata.txt (metadata for the fault GIS data layer) folds_metadata.txt (metadata for the fold GIS data layer) lineations_metadata.txt (metadata for the fracture trace GIS data layer) wells_metadata.txt (metadata for the wells GIS data layer) A base georegistered topographic map is included, compressed into the file: jeffersonco_100k.tif (georegistered base map, originated from USGS 1:100,000 scale topogaphic map) This publication may be found on the internet at: